
When you go to the gynecologist, they perform a pap smear to look for abnormal cervical cells (cervical dysplasia) which may be a precursor to cervical cancer — these often caused by an infection with one of 3 HPV strains. It is rare that they test you for the actual virus. When you go to the doctor, they will

The foxxiest.

I want to know how awkward this conversation got when someone brought up that the hottest disney dude is actually Robin Hood.

We never saw the first autopsy. People want an autopsy done by an objective third party for the same reason they wanted the FBI to take over the investigation - theyare operating under the assumption that anything done by the SLPD/ME will be compromised.

We are playing quite the game of tag here. I saw the edit. The article is shocking. Hopefully more people will see the link here and read it. Eye opening is a good word for it.

No worries. I replied to you clarifying that but clearly you knew! I appreciate the link though, I hadn't known the story.

Well, that was the police department, not Wilson specifically, but still completely indicative of the corrupt way the place was run. I hadn't seen that story though, it's outrageous.

Ridiculous, right? If his name had been released promptly I bet we would know what he looks like drunk and what offensive rants he's made on Facebook.

They needed to give him time to scrub himself from the internet. The fact that we don't have any more information on him yet is proof positive of that.

Based on the testimony given by a witness last night on MSNBC, the cop was running while shooting and not all bullets hit their teenage target. The police ended up prying a bullet out of a neighbors house. That means he could easily have accidentally killed someone else with a stray shot while he was firing at a

Because I care more about the issue than the word. If you were really committed to the history of feminism you'd still be calling yourself a suffragette. Terms evolve.

Yup. That's exactly why I don't volunteer the word when describing myself.

that is absolutely and 100% true - it's an overused and often misapplied label. Having a dissenting opinion is totally reasonable if you're being reasonable and I hate the echo chamber. I actually like those debates, I enjoy the dialogue.

I agree and I'm kind of terrified about it. It's obviously happened before with silencing the media. It started with them kicking out the vans and I have no doubt they are scrambling to find a way to shit down images and Internet.

It's like 1965 in Ferguson right now and no one is talking about it. I turned off the internet at 5. When I was back at 10:30, America was self destructing and only twitter knew about it.

Twitter is completely irreplaceable here. I hate it as a social media platform, but I don't think anyone can doubt its power as a force of news and awareness after tonight (or, you know, the Arab Spring). When I came back and heard what happened it was the only place I could read about it and see the images. CNN,

that's the idea behind the challenge. But I actually take back what I said — apparently there was a huge increase in donations and awareness so mission accomplished!

It happens. This has been quite the shit show plus losing Bacall and Williams in one week. Tensions are running high.

You're welcome. I was on a break, this was a reasonable distraction. You have a nice day and look both ways before you cross the street.

I wasn't levying rules, just making a suggestion. People can, in fact, engage however they damn well please without an internet commenter's say so. A lot of people unfamiliar with how the commenting system works would be unaware that responding and starring will bring a troll out of the gray. I was mentioning an