
Also if you are an approved commenter, PLEASE be cautious about responding to trolls. The second you pull them up some asshole is going to dominate the main conversation. I know it's fun, but you have the power. Use it for good.

First of all, I said "depraved" not "deprived."

This is such a depressingly hilarious comment.

You need to remember the burner key for a burner address. It's literally the one reason I regret not being a legit account.

definitely, I was just saying I don't think banning burners is the answer.

I'm a burner and I've been on Jez since 2007. #notallburners

Good. Let's all make our kindergarten teachers proud and use our words.

If I was just looking at the intent of your post I would have dismissed it.

Because they are targeted more often. Not because they're weak, but because there's only so much individuals can take on.

Being adults who can tell the difference between someone maliciously targeting women and someone who is just a run of the mill asshole?

I considered dismissing this but, honestly, the grammar and spelling is so amazing that I felt duty bound to let it stand.

I believe the police showed up in the swat gear prior to the looting. People will argue that the looting did happen (by a minority of attendees), so the cops were right to do so. More rational people would say that it's one thing to be prepared for what might go wrong, quite another to get geared up for a fight and

I hope that writers taking the time to publicly issue a call to arms against the people who sign their pay checks will get you to not just pay attention but to actually do something about it. I, for one, am eager to see what you come up with.

I figure Always can be to Jezebel's comment section what Tabasco was to Roswell in 2001.

Someone on GT actually just wrote something that may help with that. I haven't tried it yet but it's worth a shot.

It's been driving the readers crazy for months, I can't (and don't want to, frankly) imagine it from your end. It's remarkably ignorant and cruel to not acknowledge the difference between the attacks levied at Jezebel and those on other GM sites. I'm really glad you wrote this, for everyone involved. I'm sorry you

ALS (more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease) and is a brutal neurodegenerative disorder. If you're interested in donating towards a cure and support of patients, here's the donation site.

I was just thinking the same thing. I wonder if slapping giant buttons on things will come back in style. I have those in a box somewhere.

Oh I know you didn't, I just wanted to emphasize that I didn't think your child was a sociopath given the second half of my comment!

This is totally normal and, as someone else said, not all that different from watching sports. I laughed out loud when I read it though, because, out of context,