
It certainly can. But you could just sit in a steam room for a few minutes or something!

That's awesome.. A lot of people would tsk tsk and walk on by.

She's singing harmony but I very much disagree on her pitch when hitting the notes. Or singing the words. To each his own I suppose

Really? I find her trying to hit the high notes painful to listen to

Now playing

Skip to 2:00. Makes Britney sound like Whitney Houston.

Incredibly smart that you took that into consideration. People are unaware of the dangers and doubly so for many health issues.

Research! Combatting ignorance with research is my favorite type of combat. I literally laughed out loud at the "be grateful" thing.

As a general policy, I think there are (or should be) implied exceptions for anyone who does it for medical or personal (such as religious) reasons. If it's what works for you and helps you manage your pain I would never dream of discouraging or judging you for it. In my experience though, you're an exception, not

If there was a spiritual component to it (which there very well might be), I'm all for it. But most people use it as an extreme kind of exercise and that, to put it simply, is absurd.

That is literally the correct use of literally.

Done. I'm glad we had this little talk.

I'm with you on the toxins but please don't disparage Spin Art. It's my one talent.

Wait, you didn't read the ground breaking study that said all you need to do to rid your body of toxins like the ones you take in smoking cigarettes and eating unhealthy food is to sweat a lot or consume nothing but juice for a week? The insane ideas held by many Americans are science, didn't you hear?

That's an entirely rational response. By toxins, I assume those people are mostly speaking about those dreaded electrolytes that keep us alive.

Water doesn't necessarily hydrate you appropriately when you're sweating that heavily. Some classes even discourage breaks.

I never understood how anyone could think exercising in a hot room was a good idea - dehydrating yourself doesn't count as aerobic exercise.

I don't think I've watched this movie since I was like 10 because the jail scene is just too devastating. They lock her in a cage for being a good mom and protecting him and she can't pick him up so all she can do is peek her trunk out between the bars to stroke his little face in comfort. That happy gif is

Great. Now I'm holding back tears at my desk thinking about "Baby Mine." Thanks a lot Cap'n

I know you're probably kidding, but you should consider a window breaker escape tool instead (breaking a window with a hammer is more difficult). Then go around trolling for living beings to rescue from their unethical caregivers. "What? I have this in my car in case I ever go off a bridge! This was a total

I was kidding