OK, well I've plugged it into every password checker that exists and they all say it would take thousands of years to crack so I'm pretty happy with it. Cheers.
OK, well I've plugged it into every password checker that exists and they all say it would take thousands of years to crack so I'm pretty happy with it. Cheers.
Touche. A set of letters that appears totally random to anyone but me.
The most egregious thing ever done in the history of television was when they redid this amazing lip syncing idea but with Olivia as the precocious kid. YOU CAN'T DO THAT COSBY
I hated Olivia so much.
I use the first letters of the words in a line from my favorite song. Totally random and constantly playing in my head.
Meh. That's right I said MEH
Having "galaxy" in your username implies that you are smart but your taste in burgers clearly implies you are a dumb dumb.
anything is more entertaining
It's like mini YouTube clips, but mostly of personal stuff (so not music videos and film clips - just some idiot mugging for the camera).
He's just got such pretty eyes...
as long as you wear proper (napkin) protection, I won't judge (much).
Burger joint is that style! So is Five Guys.
DONE. I have a terrible sense of rhythm but the passion to take me to victory
I actually prefer fast food t pub style but it's harder to find in the city. That's why Burger Joint is one of my favorites. I would add Five Guys to that list of superior fast food style burgers.
I can't! As a NYer with taste buds I am duty bound to make people aware of the completely justified analogy.
The main one outside in Madison Square Park. Let's talk about delicious burgers (on a post about pancakes?). Go to Burger Joint, DuMont, Royale, and Old Town and then come back here and tell me that SS is delicious. I DARE YOU.
I forgot to mention that I usually leave out about 1/4 cup of sugar because it's insanely sweet. It's one of my favorite desserts on the planet though. Enjoy!
Go home DangerTits, your kind isn't welcome here.
Don't be like that. Are you worried people will read this and realize they waited hours to "enjoy" the most overrated burger in the country? It's ok. They should know the truth.
I bring the enraging inferiority of Shake Shack into everything.