
Yup. That would be why it's so hard to keep a good troll down.

Gawker doesn't ban IP addresses (unless something changed).

Immersion blenders are preferable but not everyone has them or they're not always available in a pinch. A blender with the top off to release the heat works just fine.

Maybe no down voting but only up voting?

When you're putting something hot in the blender just remove the little plastic circle thingie in the middle of the lid and cover the hole with a dish towel.

It's a good thing new kinja helps the best comments float to the top. It would be really unpleasant to read the comment section if that wasn't the case!

IQ tests as standalone are complete crap. They're kind of like BMI - useful on some level for population assessment but little utility on an individual basis for many people. There are so many other things to assess as components of intelligence.

There's quite the collection of trolls on here. Charming, really.

Given that they accepted a 3 year old into Mensa and the fact that IQ tests (particularly online ones) have been shown to be poor assessments of intelligence, I'm not sure I'd bank on this little badge being a good way of choosing a mate.

transgender isn't a third gender. Transgender men and women and men and women.

Schools (and caregivers) are also woefully behind in teaching kids how to engage online. Carrying on a life on the internet is a pretty standard part of the day to day for many teens and adults - it's about time we teach everyone what the hell is going on.

You're actually describing pre-eclampsia (which is high risk but treatable). Eclampsia is when it progresses to seizures (and your heart ripping open isn't common in either condition!) and very rapidly becomes very dangerous.

Totally. I just meant aortic dissections aren't a pregnancy specific complication. It's just something that in this woman's case was related to pregnancy (not a concern for your average pregnant woman).

She had preeclampsia, not eclampsia (the latter, which can be fatal, includes seizures and is when the preeclampsia shit has hit the proverbial fan).

Aortic dissections are not specific to pregnancy. Just a body fluke. That said, babies are parasites and obviously can't be trusted with our bodies.

Did they? The right arm looks more her skin color (if I remember correctly) which means I'd assume the left side is a lighting thing from the original pic.

It was mentioned above that E! gave male celebs the same treatment.

At least they didn't discriminate based on race? Intersectional objectification.

You realize the brains in Game of Thrones exist in the mystical land of bullshit? Or is the ability to become a warg something my normal brain and I missed out on?

Such unbelievably basic stuff that makes such a difference in peoples' lives. I'm one step below passing it out on fliers to random people on the street.