
Receiving emergency treatment within 3 hours of symptoms can be a critical factor in surviving a stroke. Please get yourself or a loved one to the hospital immediately if you notice something amiss.

Oh rant away! It's complete and utter bull shit. As a pale white chick I'm never at a loss for things in my shade - in te past it never occurred to me how makeup in particular is lacking colors because I'm never going past the first two shades. Bringing the lack of inclusivity in these areas lack up is always a

I don't think anyone is saying it's acceptable that they are doing that or that they shouldn't have rolled out multiple skin tones. The commenter asked if it came in colors other than white. I was just pointing out that Erin addressed the question of the glaring whiteness and its connotation in the post itself.

Like many aspects of modern-day feminism, right now, this one's only available to women with light skin and disposable income. But the inventors of the Ta Ta Top promise that more colors are coming soon.

Ugh, I have a similar "now? NOW?" story. I was 12 and on some school orientation thing that involved camping for a few days with people I barely knew. We hike in the morning and I feel kind of gross but tough it out, go to pee in the woods and discover there's goo in my underwear. I figure this out eventually and

I wasn't supporting it. It is a criminal conspiracy and it's bull shit

Technically it is that you're not allowed to address the case publicly. So you can report it to the cops but if it comes out that you did, they drop their internal case (I just clarified it in the comment).

Pretty much. You sign a contract with the school when you report it saying that you won't talk about the rape publicly until they have made a decision. So if it comes out that you reported it to the police (or you mention it publicly), you've violated that and they drop the internal case.

You can do both (at least at some schools. In mine if you went to the cops and it became public record or you spoke about it openly, it invalidated your complaint at the school). You tell the school because if the rapist posts bail, they can still show up in your classes, at the cafeteria, next to you at the library.

Oh, I know, I was just reinforcing it to those same people! It may take a little practice but it's not exactly rocket science and it's not like if you missed a little it's left in a permanent state.

And if there is, you would wipe it off, right? Because you're a normal person who does courteous things. No muss, no fuss.

She's obviously an idiot. Everyone knows it's herpes you get from the toilet seat.

Who's the head of the Jewish peace movement? The Christian one? Catholic? Protestant? Baha'i? Or the American for that matter? Many movements don't have one distinct figurehead, that doesn't make them any less powerful or relevant. Not every generation has a Martin Luther King, that doesn't mean we don't give a

If when you're done someone can tell whether you're a hoverer or a squatter, you're doing it wrong and have no business in a public bathroom. I hover out of habit after spending too much time living with a pit latrine, but I don't think I've peed on a seat since the first time I tried it and ended up urinating all

Yup. Mark I know you probably didn't realize that these were created in a response to the Dunham fiasco, but that makes this article approximately 100x funnier.

OK that's what I figured, but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt! That's a rough slip up. Live and learn etc

Just out of curiosity, I'm assuming you accidentally posted a screen shot that had the ID and password for "allow remote control" on it?

No you don't. I didn't state the statistics in context of anything. It's not proportional or relative statistics. It's straight up numbers of incidence.

That makes sense actually. How could it happen again?