
Well, I think “vision” isn’t really the word for it when it comes to Democrats approach to economic issues. We have demonstrated strategies that successfully move us towards our goals. That’s the issue- we’re a nuanced party with wonky approaches to problems. These plans are not entirely accessible and sometimes hard

I mean, it’s not what I would do, but it’s not my job to tell other people how to parent. That sounds like an okay compromise. For me, I’d have no problem with my daughter choosing to wear dress-up clothes every day, provided they don’t inhibit her ability to play and learn. There are definitely things I would draw

If my husband called looking after the kids babysitting I’d throw something at him. I don’t understand women who procreate with men who are like that. I’m planning a weekend away with some girlfriends this summer for my 40th birthday. A friend of mine bowed out because she couldn’t trust her husband to look after

Here’s why I recoil at rejecting/disparaging princesses: it contributes to the social coding of ‘girl things’ as weak, stupid, unworthy, and unchoiceworthy. My personal ‘oh shit’ moment was when my then-4 year old daughter asked me - after I’d rejected a princess snowsuit but happily approved of Spiderman snowboots -

For me the real danger here is not princess or not, or even what clothing means, but that to say such and such an outfit or taste or style is inherently lesser.

i think as long as she knows (and you encourage) that she has OTHER options other than being a princess, it’s fine. tell her she can be a princess doctor or scientist or whatever. she’s a child. princess things are sparkly and eye-catching. she can like that stuff and you can still raise a strong feminist person.

You know Hillary’s platform included detailed plans for investment in former manufacturing regions, right? And that Obama tried to pass infrastructure bills that would have helped in these regions but was blocked by GOP Congressionals?

You have to improve access to marketable, affordable education. A lot of the states that came out of the recession quickly have community colleges where students can pretty much walk into a job at the end- be it in nursing, clean lab work, mechanical/engineering work, etc. Many of them have partnerships with companies

There’s a real misunderstanding among a lot of conservatives that makes them very self centered about those things. A lot of them seem to think that when they have to get public assistance it’s because of legitimate things like them losing their job through no fault of their own or a family member dying, as in Ryan’s

The most interesting thing here to me is that she was undocumented at one time herself. Maybe that information was in other stories and I just missed it, but I noticed it this time. So it’s not just her husband; at one point in time she was an illegal immigrant?

So what, she figured that not only was he a “good” guy

But a lot of the flyover states have been angrily fighting the new industries and modernization that create new jobs. Granted, coastal cities had a leg up because of incubators and university startups, but look at North Carolina. Too many states have been clinging to the obsolete industries like a security blanket and

You know, I get what people mean when they say they wish the democrats would do this or that, but it ignores the history. Clinton’s wing of the party came into power because the democratic party was a loser nationally. The campaign rhetoric of past elections makes me believe that the democrats were losing largely

Such an easy concept. DNC gets hacked? NOT A GOOD THING! Could be us next time? Even dumbdumb marco understood that.

Don’t get me started. Southern GOP tried to block Hurricane Sandy funding until they got hit with floods and wanted the same relief.

This is exactly true. The 2016 elections were great for pointing out these people . Racists/sexists who are otherwise unremarkable co workers, neighbors...old friends, sadly. People are perfectly capable of being lovely to you when you are White Like Them, even great with select Jewish, or black, or brown or women,

As far as I can see, they don’t regret their vote for Trump yet. They love their daughter in law, but are completely able to separate “Well, of course we’re okay with THOSE kind of Muslims, but not the kind Trump wants to ban from being in America” and if not being able to see their daughter in law/grandchildren is

Yeah, I have a friend who was born in Iran, immigrated to Canada at 5. She’s atheist but was raised in a Muslim household so Trump would probably classify her as “Muslim”. Her white husband’s parents who live in Ohio voted for Trump despite their son begging them not to because it would mean his wife and their future

I just want to sit them down and have them think. Just really think about where they are financially, socially, etc... right now compared to how they were 8 years ago. 10-1 odds they are better off, but won’t admit it.

I suspect that more than a few Americans have Muslim/gay/African-American friends,co-workers and think that they are “lovely people “, and then   because they personally know these people that that makes their friends/ co-workers honorary “white people”, so that they exempt them from their unspoken bigotry.

Or, more realistically, they were doing okay but somehow thought that they were magically going to be become rich under Trump.