
I like to accept genuine apologies for mistakes that are human. I’m glad she didn’t double down, or become unapologetically aggressive towards her critics or give one of those non-apologies. Unless she did something that inflicted harm/violence on another individual or was purposely malicious which I’m not aware of

I don’t see him grabbing men by the waist and commenting on their physical appearance or grabbing other parts of their body at all. That is work place sexual harassment sweetheart.

How much paternity leave to fathers get and how often do they take it?

Everyone should aim to wait till they’re in their 30s or late 20s at the earliest) to have kids.

It could very well also be because of their long-time friendship but their first movie wasn’t just any movie, it’s one of the most iconic film based on a true love story in which a man sacrifices his life for his love. So it was THE movie. You won’t find very many people around the world who haven’t seen Titanic.  

I was born in a muslim majority country and lived in one. The idea of burka and hijab are both based in purity culture which perpetuates rape culture. So it’s all bullshit. I will continue to speak out against customs and practices that perpetuate rape culture regardless of whether it’s happening in western culture or

This also assumes that only men like and want sex and women don’t. I fucking love sex and both men and women find sex better with someone they also have an emotional connection to. No one ever asks men to say no to sex in order to get respect but women are always told to say no to sex if they want respect. Umm how

First, Saudi women don’t have the right to speak against mistreatment against them.

It goes to show how many MoC (event many of the “woke” ones) aren’t truly about eliminating oppression from society. What they actually want is the position that white men hold in society. Their frustration comes from them being male yet not having all the power and privilege they believe they’re supposed to be

Just like talking about experiences of PoC is also “being divisive.” *eye-roll*

I thought she sounded arrogant and stubborn

If the book does “more harm” then it is simply because of sexism and I don’t like the idea of giving into sexism. Ever.

I don’t think she has turned on Jon at all.. I think it’s more that she probably thinks a “true born” heir should be the reign in the North. It’s more passive aggressive maybe.. Also, little finger did put the thought in her head about whether she could trust a half-brother in a world where full siblings screw each

I guess she could have issue with Jon being in charge, as a bastard, but the show has done *nothing* to establish that.

Praying, fasting and paying zakat isn’t what qualifies one as conservative. Supporting gendered dress code and rape culture ideology, being against reproductive rights, favoring gender roles, wanting religion/culture based laws that regulate private life of citizens, being against pluralistic religious interpretations

The question is rooted in evidence based on people of other religious groups in American. Right now, while the ultra-orthadox/evangelical christians and jews make up a minority of the group, among Muslims people practicing orthodox Islam make up a majority of us. I know this to be true just by being part of the muslim

Americans are too stupid to learn anything more specific than continent

At times there can be legitimate concerns about accents and English skills; my dad had a call from his doctors office recently and he had trouble understanding what the woman on the phone was trying to tell him. However most of the complaints people have are completely illegitimate and are founded in racism or

So what her mother takes issue with is Ariel being in control of her body.

This is why it’s required by law(for professionals at least) to report a person contemplating suicide. That’s not something to take lightly or let slide. Here, we have a person that actively encouraged bullied a suicidal person into doing it.