
Trained military men who’re armed couldn’t stop mass shootings in the past. The thing is, not one, regardless of training, is ready to handle that type of situation. Unless you go into it knowing you’re after a shooter, you can’t just snap into action when you’re out and about doing your thing and a shooting starts.

Yup! Dudes who put so much value on men on average being better athletically than women athletes tend to have this idea in their head that almost all men are better athletes then all women in the world. I’ve seen so many videos of dudes claiming they can beat the fastest female runner or boxer in their country, and it

He means if men and women were competing in the same race, the women who get gold in the olympics would then come in tenth because the 9th place male competitor would do better than the 1st place female competitor. It’s still stupid. 

He means if men and women were competing in the same race, the women who get gold in the olympics would then come in tenth because the 9th place male competitor would do better than the 1st place female competitor. It’s still stupid though

That’s crap! Dudes sue over cheap swag bags that they most likely couldn’t care for, while the same type of dudes mansplain how many hair salons charge men less for cuts. Ignoring facts like men can have long hair and women short and my monthly less than <10 minute straight trim takes less time and effort than the

Carrying a gun hasn’t proven to prevent murder in mass shooting situations.

Same! I think it wouldn’t happen as frequently if ‘gal’ was commonly used. Guys for example can be used to refer to both boys and men and is most often used for male people ranging in age from late teens - 20s. When some people don’t want to call them boys or men. So we need to make gals happen.

What I find the most bothersome about such ads is how strongly androcentrism influences Marketing professionals. Their entire job, training and education background is supposed to serve the purpose of expanding, reaching and promoting to as large an audience as possible. Yet they can’t shake or look beyond the

Abortion, in most societies, only becomes a problem when it turns into women freely exercising control over their own body. When it’s something decided for them, then it’s usually not considered an issue, even in religious theocracies.

Also, wasn’t he harassing two women originally, who had to ask another man to set him straight? Very Christian behavior. Maybe his rage came from seeing two women he felt entitled to, go to a man who happened to be of Arab Muslim descent to ask for help.

She’s such a smart person, I don’t understand why she’s with him. The woman can do so much better!!

She’s such a smart person, I don’t understand why she’s with him. The woman can do so much better is all I’m saying.

Same, I’m friends with my sister-in-law’s sister. I’m close with my brother and so naturally became good friends with his wife when they were dating and since her sister is also in our peer group, I became friends with her too. I thought this was normal among siblings who hangout.

It’s even worse when you realize the two aren’t actually equivalent. Hobby Lobby was willing to go all the way to supreme court to make a case that birth control methods that prevent pregnancy being included in a medical plan they’ve paid for violates their religious freedom because they sincerely believe it’s the

Those same closely held beliefs don’t seem to matter when that corporation does business in a country in which the leadership still largely controls property and production, and with the money paid by Hobby Lobby to manufacture their products in China for cheap, the country’s population control officers carry out

I generally find sorority gals to be far more progressive than fraternities guys. That’s kind of the reason why “Total Frat Move” and Total sorority Move” parted ways. Their audience often wanted different things and writers posted conflicting content. It is still possible that sororities are less problematic because

Fraternities and Sororities are run very differently. Fraternities being the mostly problematic one.

But think of the young men’s bright future. /S

All that also applies to men, yet men applying for the job aren’t met with the same attitude. Try some self-reflection dude.

Eh things like gear, helmet, mask.. is a given. By additional barriers I meant social barriers. Of which there are many, like your attitude towards women in this field for example.