
Feminism isn’t about being better than women elsewhere, it’s about equality between men and women.

Absolutely! They have no problem adopting western customs that are patriarchal and abandoning our more egalitarian traditions.

The Young Turks

This is reprehensible! Shockingly TYT also endorsed article and tweets that downplayed the anti-semitism in America or even blamed Jews for being responsible for them. Is there something going on between the Far-left and loonies on the right?

Nihalani wants to encourage films that are “keeping the Indian traditions ahead,”

I worked my shoes off canvassing for my state senator to maintain a Democratic majority in our state legislature and it was so difficult to get the kids who identify as independents to understand the importance of the election. Policies on state minimum wage, mental health care, environmental protection, public

These are also the people who don’t show up for elections and think the only election that matters is the presidential. Probably goes hand in hand with their belief in the heroic candidate who will wave their magic wand and grant us everything. How these people know so little about government is beyond me. I have

people do not owe politicians votes

It’s also important to consider why majority Whites supported Democrats when FDR’s policies did not extend to PoC but that support faded as those progressive policies were extended to PoC. You can’t ignore that fact and that’s something Bernie and his supporters consistently do. That’s how we lost the poor whites

The same dudes who told me I was silly for making the case that Citizen’s United ruling undermines American Democracy, and this is a conversation we had several time back in 2012-2014, suddenly were the real progressives since they supported Bernie. There’s no doubt in my mind that support for Bernie was greatly

He used the Party’s infrastructure to benefit himself but just yesterday came on CNN and said he won’t share his e-mail list with DNC. Of course he felt DNC owed him their contacts though. He’s a selfish, ungrateful, inconsiderate jerk! Epitome of male privilege and blind to it. He also had no issue endorsing an

More importantly he’s male. Men of all race have male privilege, especially when it comes to violence against women.

I finally got around to reading couple of the articles you shared and article and comment section is stating what I was trying to. Only Jezebel is a space not for specific PoC and on here speaking up about how not just white women but WoC are also impacted by misogyny and sexism gets you attacked. The commenters on

I remember a woman telling how she decided to report an incident of her being sexually assaulted, the perpetrator was a black man and the man she was telling this to was also a black man and his response to her wasn’t a concern for her safety or well being but, “you sure you want to do that to a brother” and it

The hostility toward white women is really just hostility toward focus on issues of sexism/misogyny. We can’t ever focus on sexism/misogyny until we solve racial issues and class issues and pretty much everything else first. I can’t help but think it’s influenced by the same archaic idea that women must wait their

Thanks, the only one I was aware of is #SayHerName. The links you provided are a breath of fresh air(in the saddest way possible). I wish the issues WoC face due to sexism/misogyny were discussed more. Being a brown woman of Muslim background I’ve witnessed how we’re discouraged from reporting or talking about issues

I can’t cite something that doesn’t happen.

Are we also pointing out to MoC about how they benefit from the status quo for being male? In discussions on race, even the recent #OscarSoWhite, did we discuss MoC being quiet about “true lack of diversity” as in lower inclusion of WoC in film.

Historically the way Semitic women have been treated is a lot worse than semitic men. Women as a group, even those who’re jewish, still faced a lot more hatred directed at them for being women, than the men faced for being Jewish. Do you think women’s issues don’t exist for semitic women? Historically it was even

Is it really “plenty” because I’ve been searching for these conversations and rarely see it and definitely no where close to the extend I see intersectionality in discussions on feminism.