
Good for you. I’ll follow it when there’s something to follow and I’ll care when there’s something to care about. Not nothing interest stories in popular media


lol no deep down I know I would actually not have tried so hard to find a reason for why this is so important had it been a republican candidate. I hold those I may support to a higher standard. You can try project your feelings and ignorance on to me but you would only be projecting. I am strict about remaining

Except she didn’t have any classified correspondence. See how news reported in media distorts what you think is happening. Try reading actual report. Also look up what exactly is even being investigated. Apparently majority doesn’t even know this little fact about the story they seem to think is important enough for

I’ve thought about that as well. And I honestly wouldn’t care. Mainly because other government officials have been guilty of this in the past. Like I said, I’ve honestly tried to figure out why this matters but its clear it only matters to people who don’t understand political history.

I keep trying to find reasons as to why I should care about this “email scandal” but I have yet to find a reason. Media keeps trying to make this happen. I mean I expect this kind of nonsense tactics from Fox but it seems like every news source is desperate for a scandalous hate story.

That doesn’t make it okay. There have been plenty of things people once did/thought/said that were common place among them but society recognized how it was inappropriate and stopped tolerating it and started raising people to be different. We now live in a better world because of it!

I’m totally with you on people talking about finding other people attractive being no big deal but the issue here is the how, where, and why that makes this incident outrageous

Right! From my experience, yes women talk about men we find attractive or whether we find someone attractive, but we don’t have random conversations about a man’s looks and use that to put him down. A man would have to an annoying harasser or something for us to use his looks to put him down like this. Also even if

If its an entirely separate person and a precious human being then why isn’t it a CURRENT citizen of the world? Something that is an entirely separate person on its own, a precious human, would be a citizen of this world, not “Future citizen.” How about we give it a social security number then? How about welfare? Some

Are you trying to imply that there’s more to women besides tits and ass? Isn’t that all a woman is? Isn’t that why we only judge a woman’s character and worth simply based on superficial reasoning? I.E Is she hot/does she dress like a skank?

None of that changes that pro-life position is an extreme position. When people call for compromise they miss that they’re asking for a moderate position to compromise with an extreme one.

Pro-choice is already a moderate position. Pro-life is an extreme position.

Your understanding of how privilege works is completely wrong. It is true that privilege in one form does not cancel out oppression in another form and oppression in one form does not cancel out privilege in another form. For example, I’m a woman, heterosexual, able-bodied, Pakistani, upper-middle class, have a muslim

The difference is that sometimes women get an easier deal under patriarchy because of the fact that they are disadvantaged. The easier deal isn’t because of a societal standard that favors women but just as a result of the standard that does not value women. Whereas the privileges men get is because they are the

Well if someone is whining about something and does’t ever seem to make an effort to understand the issue, learn if the issue is even real (like custody), or even attempt to propose solution to the problem then it is in fact whining. A person who truly cares about journalism ethics would just care about it, but a

There really isn’t a bias against men. I used to be under the impression that there was till I actually did some research on the subject and realized that is a myth. The default is joint custody, with the mom getting physical custody of the kids. This is hardly ever contested by the father and just works that way

Thanks. I’m so over the myth that women hold each other down/women hate other women/women are their own worse enemies.. In reality that is not true at all. Women are not only more supportive of other women from diverting from the status quo but they are also more understanding of men who do. Men on the other hand tend

At least Carson is an actual doctor. Cosby went to college on a sports scholarship and had poor grades through out. Yet he talks crap about black kids focusing on their sports career and not caring about academics. I don’t understand how his audience didn’t put a a mirror to his face to remind him that he is just an

The problem is that he completely misses the real issue in this.