
This is absolutely true! Another even more serious matter is how black women are discouraged to report abuse when its from a black male but black men don’t have that same community pressure to not abuse black women. It reminds me of a story about this black woman who was assaulted by a man who happens to be black and

There’s a huge difference in the comments made by the dudes in their banners and the one’s by the gals. The ones on the gal’s banner read as things about what the gals want and like that the guys can participate in, the ones in the guy’s banner read as what the guys do to gals and about taking them out of their

Some people also want an emotional connection as well. I’ve read and heard a lot of interviews from prostitutes about how half or more than half the men aren’t there for just sex. They want to talk and connect emotionally and the sex part is just another way for them to try connecting with another person. So it makes

Your question was what’s wrong with it, well there you go, when you have to pretend to be okay with something that makes that person very uncomfortable, then that is what is wrong with it.

Another ironic thing about that whole clip was that she takes issue with political correctness yet her argument against what Julie Rogin said was that we should care about the menz feelings and we can’t just expect those men who have a problem with it to just get over it. Isn’t this Andra Tantaros being “politically

Its not just women. People keep other people of their gender from breaking free of the patriarchal status quo we currently have. Women are actually more understanding of both men and women who break from gendered roles than men are. Think about how boys who like to play with barbie dolls are treated by other boys and

I don’t really support the idea of a draft in general. My thinking is, if you can’t get enough people to voluntarily sign up for a war then that war probably isn’t worth fighting for. In any case there is a draft though, then it should be for both men and women. I remember when I first learned about the draft in like

Yup! Oddly those MRAassholes also throw a fit about women being allowed equal opportunity in the military. I’ve seen many trying to derail the conversation about the success of these two amazing women to talk about how women aren’t required to sign up for selective service and they actually claim that women being

I’ve never read anything about the relationship between confidence and selfishness, and testosterone but I know the violence and testosterone thing is actually false. The claims about there being a relationship between those two variables came to be flawed. I highly doubt the confidence and selfishness thing is true

Slut is just a word used to degrade and control women. So that is probably why they naturally think of that at a time when they’re trying to control her sexuality and degrade her as well.

Well wars are bad, the amount of money that goes into our military budget is bad, glorifying the need for such things is bad but having a military is necessary and always will be and not allowing women equal work opportunity is also very BAD. Maintaining discriminatory standards in the military doesn’t help or serve

Like your name, you started out crazy and then only got crazier.

Toplessness is 100% fine, thongs are the real issue here. Genital area and the buttocks area should not be bare in public. I’ll set the standard for everyone and say buttcracks must be covered in public! I can’t believe the outrage is over bare chests and not buttcracks.

These people are so utterly stupid that it hurts my brain. I’ve heard so many dummy dudes like that one make comments about how men can’t see women being hurt and also say things like how bad it would be for female POW. I really wonder if these idiots really believe the contradicting crap the spout or they just think

ERIC OLSON: Men, in virtually every society and every species, are reluctant to trust their lives to women in the same way they do to men. They’re less likely to commit women to their death or to capture than they are to commit another man.

Yeah thats why men could never murder and rape women. Thats why military men never rape or cover up for rapists. That’s why 33% of female soldiers aren’t sexually assaulted by their own male soldiers. That is why male combat veterans aren’t responsible for 21% of domestic violence against their female partners

Stacey Dash, Andrea Tantaros, and Kimberly Guilfoyle are the worst!

I’ve read that this policy of keeping complaints to themselves is only applied to sexual abuse. They do not preach this when it comes to complaints regarding other crimes. So they only “believe” in this when it comes to that and that shows their hypocrisy

I bet these people have no issues with reporting theft or robbery or any other crime in which women aren’t the most likely victim and men almost always the perpetrator. So aside from sexual assault and domestic violence, I doubt this spiritual dilemma exists when it comes to reporting other crimes

Yup! And I bet these people have no issues with reporting theft or robbery or any other crime in which women aren’t the most likely victim and men almost always the perpetrator. So aside from sexual assault and domestic violence, I doubt this spiritual dilemma exists when it comes to reporting other crimes