
I said that is something I have always heard people say, no where did I say that is what is needed. I didn’t give my my personal view on what I think makes family complete. I didn’t even say that other people think everyone should have one of each, I said that’s what I’ve heard other people say they want for their

Celebrities often do know how people talk about them on the internet. That would especially be the case for a teenage celebrity, they probably search their name like once a day. It’s one thing to just be a little annoyed by a teenage kid you don’t know, teenagers are well aware of how teenagers as a whole are

Yeah wanting a certain number of kids and imagining how your kids will be is no biggie at all. I’m sure most people who want kids do this. My parents wanted three kids and they spaced us out so we’re each three years apart, obviously we were all planned but after the first two were boys, they were really hoping the

I didn’t say anything about my view on what makes a family complete. So how did you come to the conclusion that I have a narrow view regarding a topic on which I have never shared my views?

I was under the impression that we don’t have antibiotics that treat gonorrhea. And that Herpes effects every individual differently. Some may never know they have it, some only have a painful outbreak when they first get it but that clears up after a few days and may never come back, for some they get outbreaks

Oh and it’s creepy because in this century and country daughters are given equal inheritance rights. I’ve noticed dudes who’re obsessed with wanting a boy just so he can carry on his name are also obsessed with the tradition that requires women to change her last name to her husband’s upon marriage. You know if you

Wanting a girl and a boy child is totally normal and fine. I’ve always heard that people want one of each to make their family complete so no story there, however the source close the West saying he wanted a boy because he wanted an heir is a bit creepy. I really hope this source just made up that part about the heir.

In that case you should direct your anger towards the full-grown adults not the teen. An adult showing disdain towards a teen because you don’t like what other adults think/say about that teen is just as misguided and in the wrong as the other full-grown adults. Life is weird enough at age 13-16, having adults treat

This is pretty cool but since chlamydia is already easily treatable, I would be more excited about something for an STI that we don’t currently have a treatment for. Like herpes or gonorrhea.

I bet they also don’t provide parental leave to their employees.

Everything you said. These companies don’t really save any money by doing this either. So the people who argue this by saying, they shouldn’t have to pay for someone’s birth control. Well A. The company is only paying for insurance coverage and B. this religious company doesn’t save any money on insurance by no longer

He was decently liberal in regards to some social issues but he was just an elitist who wanted to make trickle down economics happen.

I don’t know if this is right. I’m pretty sure I read in another article that the judge ordered a retrial and the prosecution can still appeal the mistrial verdict so a retrial may not even be needed.

I don’t understand any reason to actually hate a kid. Kids do/say stupid and embarrassing things. Their developing brain and hormones lead to a lot of weird behavior that doesn’t last, so unless a kid is hurting another person, hating on a kid for his behavior is just stupid and says more about that person. If that

I’m a brown woman. I have a muslim name. The worst prejudice and danger i’ve faced has been because of my sex not my dark skin or muslim name. This isn’t just anecdotal experience either. Far more women are killed or assaulted due to misogyny every day than black men in a an entire week. I still don’t go on articles

I really don’t get the women in other countries have it worse logic at all. The funny thing about idiots who use that fallacy is that they almost always say, “American women have it better than women in third world countries” instead of saying “American women are equal to american men.” The goal of feminism isn’t for

It probably makes some people feel guilty. Like one would if they found out their favorite clothing store/brand uses child slaves to make their clothes or the Christmas play you enjoyed seeing as a kid was the work of a psychopath who tortured everyone on the show

That was my exact thought when I read that Heff was calling someone else out for seeking attention. The man is a bigger attention whore than Donald Trump

Emotionally abusive men have no problem trapping women, despite their reputation. These men prey on women they know they can manipulate.. you know it’s kind of a basic trait abusive assholes have. They put up a front in the beginning, get to know the women around them and once they find someone to target they study

You don’t think there’s such a thing as abusive employers? An employer exploiting and mistreating employees isn’t something new and in most cases like this it’s not all that easy to leave a job. An abusive employer creates a situation in which he knows employees wouldn’t be able to leave easily.