
How could god have no choice? Isn't god the creator and decider of everything so it doesn't really make sense how an omnipotent god could possibly run out of choices. Religious mythology is seriously mind numbing

My parents are Muslim and they believe god is asexual and the general belief is that god possesses both masculine and feminine attributes. God is described and addressed in masculine pronouns though but its not meant in a literal sense, that god is male but because that's just how language works. So Allah is

They want to blame women for everything bad that happens to them and everything bad that happens in women's life. It's apparently always the woman's fault and she's to be held responsible whether she's the victim or the one victimizing. I actually saw a discussion about parental rights after divorce/breakup,

WOW so the law actually favors men who walk away from their family and responsibilities and go on to start a new family somewhere else.

Ughh how does that make more sense than he was trying to give her a slow and painful death? Either her lawyer sucked or the judge just didn't want to convict him of attempted murder

I really don't understand how he was able to successfully threaten Mellie. I don't understand how a man being charged with treason, who will be hated by the entire country, defame the first lady. Can't they easily say that he's just lying because he obviously hates the president and shut him up

Huck and Mellie are my favorite!

After Ian got shot I really wanted Olivia to beat the crap out of that crazy guy again and then turn to the hackers like alright i'm your new boss now.

So the difference between life and unlife is basically boiled down to: whether or not we can hold it in our hands.

These aren't bizarre hypotheticals. The truth is you just don't know anything about rape and rape victim.

Mandatory arrest laws are actually terrible because it result in police arresting the victim and the perpetrator. States with mandatory arrest laws also have a lower conviction rate and they are extremely unfair towards male and gay/lesbian victims. The best results are in states that have preferred arrest laws.

I would only believe that if those people also spoke up every year about how unfair it was to not have any women on the SC. If they only raise their voice to speak up about the unfairness when it favors women then they obviously care more about equality when there's less representation for men.

I'm an ex muslim and have read studied the quran, I was with you up until this part

Even my history teacher would cover all student's names before grading our papers to eliminate that bias. He always had us turn in our journal flipped to the page we wrote our answers on or fold the name part of the paper so he couldn't see our name. Another math teacher gave us all a number on the first day of class.

at some point, we have to define when it's not just a fetus, but a life and when that life has certain protections. No easy way to do that of course

I expect it of this neanderthal conservatives. I don't expect it of rational people.

I love those skirts too but sadly my 5ft tall body can't pull it off :(

The word guys is usually used when referring to male adults and male children. Unfortunately there's no commonly used female equivalent for the word guy. I've noticed people tend to use "girls" more often than "women" though

I want a casual feminine version of "guy". "Guys" works when when it's a group of people because at this point it's basically gender-neutral, but the equivalent of 'guy' is 'gal' and the only person I've ever heard actually use it is my dad. Maybe we can bring it back?

I was just talking about that feeling with someone else. I don't use female ever but I go back and forth with girl and woman. It would be nice if there was a commonly used female equivalent of the word guy. Calling someone in their late teens or early 20s girl/boy man/woman feels kind of awkward. Thats why "guy" works