
It would be helpful if there was a commonly used female equivalent of the word guy. When you're talking about male children and adults the word guys works since it includes both boys and men. Especially when referring to a young person in their late teens or early 20s, using girl/boy man/woman can be awkward. Since

It's easily possible not to feel anything after if he has a below average size penis and the sex is bad that it's hardly stimulating. We also don't know how long the victims were drugged for and how long it took them to gain conscious. I've had consensual sex when blackout drunk a few times when i wasn't sure if we

Maybe he has a really small dick

I'm going to tell the next sexist asshole I encounter, if he doesn't want to be accused of rape then he shouldn't be having sex. Maybe he should take some responsibility for putting himself at risk of being accused of rape.

40% YIKES! Taking that into consideration and that the society is less liberal than America(which really isn't all that liberal anyway) does make it even worse.

A lot of people laugh in certain awkward or strange situations. I think my reaction would've been the same as her but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be heated on the inside.

I don't think that's what it is because I have seen a lot of hateful comments like that on articles about women who committed heinous crimes against another person as well. I think it's more about jezebel commenters having less/no empathy towards those who commit sex crimes.

What he did was absolutely horrible and deserving of prison time for sure but I still think what she did to him was slightly more serious. It's possible for her to get over the emotional damage and pain he caused her but he will never heal from the physical damage and pain she caused him. I don't know what kind of

Oh god I haven't read the other comments yet but my reaction to this story was sympathy for the guy and the physical pain this mutilation is going to cause him for the rest of his life. He deserved a long prison sentence but no way was an acid attack justified. This girl is a dangerously violent person and should be

Oh god I haven't read the other comments yet but my reaction to this story was sympathy for the guy and the physical pain this mutilation is going to cause him for the rest of his life. He deserved a long prison sentence but no way was an acid attack justified. This girl is a dangerously violent person and should be

It'll take you further than no background checks though, so it's better to have it then not. Just like washing your hands can only go so far to help prevent you from getting sick but that doesn't mean you should stop washing your hands.

Does Uber have any sort of background check system right now? It obviously wouldn't help against all predators but at least its safer than giving an OK to a known sex offender.

Are there statistics available for sexual assaults that have happened on Uber and for regular taxis? I feel like Uber would have a higher percentage but reading some of the replies here makes me think, maybe i'm just naive about cabs and they might be just as bad. So it would be really helpful if there is data that

I've actually studied this myself and this particular study was done by looking at prison sentences for men and women in homicide cases and women were indeed given longer prison sentences for killing their spouse than men were. The information used is really old though, from like 1989. I know men are generally given

I think if the genders were reversed the police will certainly believe the guy. When women report gender targeted crime (rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment) officers often have this notion of it being a false reports. This tendency to believe the victim is lying isn't there when dealing with non-gendered

Well they fought for that right because the dominant group were addressed with those titles while the marginalized group was not. Doing away with the title for everyone a generation and a half ago would've had the same affect as it did by allowing everyone to be addressed as Mr, Mrs, or Miss.

Man-spreading is a result of male entitlement and gendered upbringing and expectations. There are many issues that men and women face because of everyday sexism and double standards, that on the surface may seem petty but it's all rooted in the same sexist ideology that causes the greater issues and suffering in

If women can do more hours of chores than men and put in more time to wash, dry, style their hair, shave their body hair and apply makeup and make it to work, then men should be able to manage applying a little deodorant or powder in between their legs. It shouldn't be too difficult to take a minute to do that for