Violent offenders should be in prison and yes the world would be a better place if violent offenders were punished for the crime and separated from the rest of society, that doesn't commit violent crimes.
Violent offenders should be in prison and yes the world would be a better place if violent offenders were punished for the crime and separated from the rest of society, that doesn't commit violent crimes.
Reading comments about this anywhere other than jezebel makes my head heart and my heart ache
I agree with you it irks me so much when I see people use that reasoning. I know they mean well but it just further reinforces the idea that women aren't people equal to men and perpetuates the lack of empathy men have for women. If someone is discussing rape/assault I much rather have people say, what if it was you,…
Everyone wants to be seen as attractive, whether you're a man or woman. That's not the same as being harassed though, which is what catcalling is. So you have to be an insecure person who's desperate for attention if you're happy with even negative attention. I mean I see men and even women check me out when i'm out…
If you get chicken pox after having been vaccinated then it most likely wouldn't be as bad as it would've been had you not been vaccinated. Since your body does recognize the virus and knows how to fight it off better than it would had you not been vaccinated. So even if you get it, you should still be thankful you…
"I voted for Sarac Barama!"
Yeah I can understand if you're the type of girl who fits the gendered expectations then it may not be as obvious. I had two older brothers so I liked everything they liked and so noticed I was different right away. By the time I got to high school I was more of a girly girl but even then the slut shaming thing was an…
hahah yeah I was really disappointed. I had already heard this story before though but I'm still hoping the claim that it's a different MSU is true lol.
That' is so crazy to me. I knew sexism existed since I was a little girl. I noticed the double standards society had for men and women and knew the gendered expectations were completely unfair, even when I was too young to properly describe and understand my experiences. I hated that I was forced to play with toys and…
I can't stand it when people blame single mothers, for being single and a mother. Yeah let's blame the parent who stepped up and is trying to be responsible for the child but not the one who walked away from his responsibility.
That might be the problem. Maybe if we expected more from men then this wouldn't be a problem like it is
I've seen that happen in a lot of news stories about Angelina as well. Although it doesn't happen if the article is just about Brad though but anytime there's an article about Jen, Angelina or Brad and Angelina people in the comment section start with the team jen/team jolie crap. It's ridiculous! All three of them…
I would probably freak the F out if I was her. Good for her for being able to handle it so well and I definitely wouldn't blame her even if she did freak out.
Why so much hate for a celebrity?
Can you elaborate on that a little? I don't understand what you mean.
WTFF!!! I wish Jon Stewart brought up these lyrics as well. He might've explained away lyrics to cat scratch fever as adult music but rape and domestic violence isn't "adult stuff," it's criminal! I would love to hear what Huckabee has to say about him supporting and singing alongside a man who sings about committing…
The Egypt Yemen war, Syria Lebanon war, Iraq Iran war, Iraq's 3 decade long war against Kurds, The Kuwait war/Invasion of Kuwait, Pakistan Bangladesh war, the Arab cold war... There's more but i'll stop here.
Not only are your statistics wrong (which I'll get to in a minute) but your attempt to sound smart is only making you look like an even bigger idiot.
It's obvious Miss Lebanon had no problem with Miss Israel but she was forced to take action. So I don't blame her at all but criticism of Lebanon is completely warranted here. It was the Lebanese media and people who forced her to take the picture down and apologize.
All those countries have done the same to other countries. The only difference being it was arab/majority muslim countries doing it to other arab/muslim countries.