
Like i said an isolated case that doesn't change their world as they know it doesn't bother them. If there is a chance that every woman they harass on the street will be handled the same way does bother them and they wouldn't laugh about it. They don't want everyone in their life to think they're disgusting for

No the reason why women in muslim countries wear a burka is because they're told to. Simple as that. I was born in a muslim country to a muslim family, I know.

Why is it that instead of talking about the harassment she gets that was captured on the video, you chose to discuss what you think might not have been harassment? Why is it important to talk about the instances where she wasn't harassed than when she was?

Actually most street harassers do care about all those things. Just not so much in the moment, from the person they're harassing but they don't want everyone around them to shame them for being offensive to someone. They don't want what they're doing to turn into a taboo and unacceptable behavior. They want their

Men have a right to talk to any woman they see. Don't you know that! We will rape you and kill you if you dare fringe on that right! We're all nice guys here :)

No i just thought everything you said was just ridiculous and i didn't have time to explain it to you. I'm in law school, I have a midterm and a report to work on. All I have to say is your idea of regular women, "jeznits," or whatever type of women are completely off.


No it's just like if i see an attractive guy acting like an ass hole for any reason, I will be less attracted to him. Just like that, if a guy who I would normally find attractive or I did find attractive starts doing creepy stuff, I would immediately be turned off and wouldn't find him as attractive anymore.

I get the head nod too from people who're not trying to be rude. Whenever I go running or for a walk I always get other people jogging or walking(male and female) give me the head nod or a smile and I always smile back. I enjoy that interaction and think it's great how nice people are to each other but that doesn't

Is it rude to ignore common decency?

WTF how can police officers make a statement like that. My respond would be, this is a brief reminder that you cops aren't doing your damn job at keeping all citizens safe! If a tragic incidence like that happens, police force needs to work on what they can do to make the place safer for people, not blame victims.

I think it means the court made the decision to execute her but if the family of the deceased chooses to forgive her for the loss and grieve her "crime" cost them then she could be spared from the punishment decided by the court.

He did a shitty thing that makes him a shitty husband but not something I would condemn him for. That's how I would feel about any person involved in a situation like this. If I hear about a person who holds a supervisor or senior level position who cheated on his wife one time while at work with a young coworker, who

I completely agree and I wish more people would get that. I feel really discomfortable when I see a pregnant person's belly. I don't know why this is and i've tried to change that but so far i haven't been successful. I know this is my problem to deal with though and I would never think it's okay for me to tell

What I am trying to say is that if both a man and a woman are drunk and then have sex. Since neither are capable of giving consent does that mean no rape occurred, or is the man still guilty of rape?

"candidate for rape"? WTF

Whats even more ridiculous is the former is someone who's actions hurt another person and the latter is a person who got hurt by another person's actions. So many people try to argue as if a person who is sexually assaulted while drunk is the same as someone who assaults another person while drunk.

Supreme court justices have to make decisions based on the constitution not their personal beliefs. Their job is to rule whether something is constitutional or not. The way the 9 of them interpret the constitution and the law is based on each individual but they have to explain their reasoning and that reason can't be

I think just not enough people objected to it but if they had then it would go to supreme court where they could rule it unconstitutional as it is. There are a lot of unconstitutional laws that have been written and passed before but enough people took objection to it and then the supreme court had to decide on it.

I agree that cops must always be responsible, they are given a lot of power in order to protect us and uphold the law but with that power comes more responsibility and if they can't be responsible then they should have that power taken away. However that wasn't the case here, or it doesn't sound like it from the