
Its not fair to take it out on the cops who're just doing their job and then to try to shame the cops for it. The police didn't seem like they did anything wrong. From the evidence we have right now, I don't think there's any way to know whether she was actually having sex or just making out with her bf. To me it

In god we trust wasn't put there by the founders. It was President Eisenhower who signed in god we trust into law and added the word god to the pledge of allegiance.

Actually feminist movement does the exact opposite of that. All I've gathered from the feminist movement is to treat and respect women as humans. Kind of like you would treat the other 50 percent of humans that don't have boobs. It's the traditional patriarchal ideas that try to explain away women as some sort of

I'm talking about cutting the relationships short in the beginning. You don't get to know if the guy you're seeing has a defined six pack right away, or is losing hair. Not continuing or giving a relationship a chance with an otherwise perfect person because of one single physical quality is superficial and in some

I used to be pro abortion,

Sure oddly shaped vagina that causes sex to be not pleasurable or painful would be equivalent to a penis that is too small or too big. That example would work but unpleasurable or painful sex isn't a superficial issue, that's something that effects a person and a relationship deeply. Couples can obviously work

The thing is penis size can affect how sex feels. I like penetration and a man who I find attractive with a small or too big penis will make sex not enjoyable for me. So you can compare boobs preference to biceps or pectoral preference but not penis size.

Preferring a certain size penis isn't the same as boobs, hair color, eats. Those things don't change how sex feels for you. The size of a person's penis matters and it's not something superficial like hair color, boobs, thighs ect. You can compare those things to women preferring a hair color, built pecs, and height

Its disgusting that same defense is used in countries like Pakistan and India (which were ranked as top 5 unsafest country in the world for women). They are still arguing whether domestic abuse should be handled the same as other violent crimes because many people believe it's a family matter. Of course if it's a

How someone can justify that a thief deserves to die is despicable to me. If I was being robbed I would try to get out of the situation safe the best way I can and my second goal would be to call the police. I couldn't live with myself if I took someone's life for stealing unless it was the ONLY way to save mine or

I think newborn babies are pretty gross looking too. I also think a lot of operations that save people's lives are gross and messy. That doesn't mean those things are bad. I never understood what the point of these pictures is.

That's the thing. You have to know your boundaries with people rather than assuming. If any part of you is unsure then you should never assume consent is there. Also, the law doesn't say a person has to be 100% sober, the law says an incapacitated person can't give consent. So if someone has had too much alcohol that

There was a study done that showed women spend significantly more time doing household chores than men do and it included yard work and home maintenance projects and stuff like that. So women are still doing significantly more work around the house even though there are certain chores that are considered men's job.

I agree that's a big part of it. In when i lived in dorms, people always commented on whether my room and bathroom was messy but never said anything about our guy friends place. Even guys with messy rooms would tell us how ours was messy because obviously we weren't held to the same standard as them. As an

a popular solution often issued to deal with the problem of men not cleaning is that women should simply clean less.

There's nothing the person "should" do. The only person who "should" do something is the one who's going in for the kiss without having consent. If someone I don't want to be kissed by kisses me, I can pull away as soon as he kisses me and then report him, I could be in shock and not know how to react and still report

The thing is doing wrong to someone you consider to be subhuman doesn't feel bad. It's not easy for humans to commit violent crime against another who they can empathize with. With the exception of complete sociopaths, humans don't and can't commit violence against another human without being able to justify it.

but the receptive parter is not obliged to even say they revoke their consent. I mean literally, they don't have to say "stop" when they want their parter to stop.

Just a follow up question, is the title of this not "New Study Shows Tipped Employees Suffer Way More Sexual Harassment"? I was not aware that was gender specific.

I think a lot of people of both sexes go through the thinking everyone of the opposite sex is an asshole and not to be trusted romantically phase but I don't think that's the same as the issues "nice guys" have. A lot of people who've been hurt by another person who they were romantically involved with, who they feel