
The most ridiculous thing about this idea is that it puts all non-white people in one category. Whites will still be the majority race even if the numbers on the graph change as predicted. Non-whites is made up of asian, black, hispanic, native american and that's not all one race. So anyone who's so afraid of this

Majority of the responses weren't like that but it seems like you focused on the negative ones over the majority that weren't . Even with the ones you just pointed out, I didn't find them all that aggressive. When I read those think it's coming from someone who has strong feelings regarding the question and the person

Do you know how risky a pregnancy is? For someone who tries to act so passionate about the subject you sure don't know anything. A pregnancy is very risky but thanks to science and modern medicine we have made pregnancy much safer but if carried out naturally pregnancy would still be one of the biggest reason women

Why are you irritated by the reposes? I think most people who responded were very kind. Most people said just don't give a creepy compliment (make it sexual or make the person feel uncomfortable) and it won't be creepy. Also be aware of the situation the other person is in was great advice too. I love compliments just

A pregnancy does put a woman's life on the line actually and she shouldn't be forced to support an undead child with her body.

when a couple with young children, commits a crime and both have the same charges against them, the primary caretaker of the children is likely to get less time than the parent that's not. It has nothing to do with being a man or a woman. It has everything to do with being a parent and the crime committed. It's very

I seriously can't believe the harassment you faced. What kind of kids think it's okay for them to do the things they did to you. It makes me wonder where the parents are and what kind of person is raising that kid?! Did your school punish the kid/s who were bullying you?

at least we used to try to deal with fights in-house and not call the cops in to arrest and/or charge teenagers before we even figure out what the hell happened.

I think the problem is whether they hold their female coaches to a different standard than the male coaches. That could very well be truth. Obviously we need more information on this case to know whether there really is a story here or not because premature reporting without knowing any facts is kind of dumb and makes

Being more like women doesn't get you anywhere and being more like a man doesn't get you anywhere. It's hard to be a lady.

Another problem I saw with this was the fact that University of Iowa has 13 Male coaches and 6 Female coaches total. So firing 5 of the 6 women coaches and 3 of the 13 male does seem fishy. It could be a coincidence that they've just had bad luck with their female coaches and there's nothing more to it but it could

What olds crumby said. He's not really "pro-life" if he's cool with women making their own decisions about what they want to do with their body and obviously doesn't favor putting restrictions on women seeking abortion but actually facilitates abortion.

That dress is as tired and out of date as republican policies

I agree! I'm 5 ft and weight 94 pounds. It's so freakin hard to find pants and dresses that fit me! I hate going to the mall now because I know i'll see lots of cute stuff but nothing ever fits. There was a time when i had trouble finding my size but now it's like designers don't even make clothes for women my size.

They're also against providing affordable prenatal care for pregnant women, so they really don't care for the health of the fetus either.

Women do sometimes hook up with someone who raped them in the past. Women sometimes stay married to their rapist. Women sometimes continue dating their rapist. Women sometimes see their rapist again to make themselves feel like it wasn't rape. Sometimes a victim can blames herself for what happened or feels like it

I think everyone has already done a good job at explaining to you how many times a rape victim doesn't react to what has happened right away. This is very common for rape victims and it also happens with victims of other crimes.

On top of that we really don't even know if this source is legit. It could be a member of their rival sorority trying to make them look bad. Or i don't know.. just about anyone trying to make her look bad. There's a reason why this source didn't go to any news source or why no one else is reporting this. It's

I honestly think Erin keeps running with this story because fox news mentioned it and it got her article a lot of attention. She needs to stop because it's making her and jezebel look bad.

It's not standard sorority stuff! I was an alpha phi at a big school and we never participated in these kind of activities. We learned about our chapter and our sorority at new member meetings but we were never forced to memorize them. The person in charge of new member meetings would read it to us or ask one of the