
The patty will come as a far as i know this kind of marketing has been done by gaming industry....good choice for them

Nine Inch Nails is not godawful music. In fact, it's exactly what I would listen to during a zombie apocalypse.

Yes, it's absolutely absurd, but it's the explanation we're stuck with. At least Xavier's death and idiotic resurrection were erased by the new time line.

bu...bu....why are you here?

I absolutely loved that movie even knowing the complaints against it. Cannot wait for it's sequel.

Penn State's students continue to embarass themselves, Deadspin posts articles to that effect often. All universities have student bodies that raise huge amounts of money for charities, found charities, solve the world's problems, etc. That's not an achievement, that's what the youth of the world is expected to do

Less likely to run into vampires there I imagine.

Really they all just prove why white feminism is as problematic as minority women know it to be. They want to say shut up and support us and let us step on your backs as we achieve equality with our white brothers.

Wow. That was rude. She was just making polite small talk. Get on your meds - or off of them - whichever fixes the problem.

Big Hero Six is to movies what Train is to music.

Nice references to "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" in that graveyard scene where Marston first meets Seth. The grave that Seth is digging into is marked "Arch Stanton," which was the name used as reference to where the treasure was buried in that movie. And then when the camera pans around the 2:55 mark, there's a

He's right though. More often than not I avoid Kotaku reviews because they seem to be more motivated by more than just the game being reviewed. I know that Kotaku now hates games that

are too grey and brown
are violent
has guns
aren't something Miyamoto shat out yet again for the 17th time

I mean c'mon, this game is being

Well, the commenters have lost their minds. When it was female human with a male dolphin - no bigs, we cool. Human male on female dolphin - Animal abuser!

Yo. She's gross as fuck too.

I started thinking more about it after I posted. My guess is that more often than not, as we were developing socially hitting another person/animal isn't supposed to do damage, its to establish dominance and order.

He would beat you for bringing him anything less than a keg.

I've always wondered why we use a fist at all and not bypass all that complicated and fragile bone and tendon and hit with the heel of the palm.

1st Commandment of TWD: Thou shalt not have more than one prominent black male cast member for an extended duration of episodes.

i agree, i just didn't want to get bogged down it that whole thing #uncut