
First, I didn't actually say it was hypocritical. It's actually a perfectly legitimate train of thought and logic to respond to Jezebel saying "it's a shame not many people know how many awesome women work at TDS" by saying "yes, you'd think more people reading Jezebel would know that, given that not so long ago

I pray the day the Celestials arrive for Judgement, this human condition would have passed.

Optimus Prime was given lips so he can eventually become a Headmaster.

Wait, so this show isn't about old meatloaf or tuna casserole?

But they're not serial killers, for the most part. I don't think "supervillain" necessarily requires superpowers. I think the gimmick and the style of the plans (namely, world domination or the downfall of a particular hero) are the hallmarks. "Super" as in "larger than life." What are their motivations without

I've always liked the idea that the existence of Batman was a catalyst for the supervillains that began overrunning Gotham. Basically, his weirdness necessitated an over-the-top response from the criminals. The Dark Knight did a great job reflecting on this through the Joker. Here, though, it's superviallains becoming

Jezebel really confuses me just a few days ago an article was posted about Terry being a "sexual predator" because his dick touched some woman's face, when she expressed her disinterest in engaging in sexual acts with him he did absolutely nothing to her and let her leave his studio. He was literally ripped to shreds

That was my exact reaction to Leviathon Wakes. Holden was a bit vanilla, Miller was entertaining and something about the end just did not click for me. That being said I love the 'Low-fi', gritty world the authors created. I felt in that regard, the book had more in common with William Gibson: especially his

Because if we've learned anything from Ubisoft, it's to trust them with gameplay footage many months out from a product's release.

The Rapture decidedly does NOT happen. They determine very quickly that this isn't the Rapture; it's some random mass disappearance of random people, ranging from babies to serial killers. The fact that people can't even turn to religion to explain it makes it even more unnerving.

The Wall wasn't built with magic. In fact, the "magic" of the Wall hasn't actually been confirmed. It's an assumption in the story and made by fans to explain why the white walkers can't pass and is assumed to not just be limited to the Wall but is actually a magic that circumnavigates the world. Thus why the White

I do know damn well what you mean (although writing "damn well" is so trite and embarrassing for you to write).

So glad they're trying those girls as adults. They knew damn well what they were doing, it was premeditated, they had EVERYTHING planned in regards to where to take the girl, before, during and after the stabbing. They need to be checked mentally(they're crazy,k? done.) but I wish vengeful wrath on anyone who tries to

And if you add a bit of paint, you get something a wee bit better:

It honestly won't surprise me that that your sophomoric wailing about "censorship" will be the top comment because this is the level of discourse on Kotaku. Where taking into consideration other people's feelings is vastly less important than one's individual sense of pleasure.

When asked about his loyalty to the child, the cat replied "What child? I saw a fucking dog, I acted. Nibbles is looking out for Nibbles."


This conversation is so passively sexual. You two should meet.

No, the Halo Sniper rifle is almost directly based on NTW-20, not perfectly as the Magazine is vertical rather than horizontal, but it's explicit. Look at the protrusion under the barrel and bipod positioning and the square-bent scope guard.