When asked about his loyalty to the child, the cat replied "What child? I saw a fucking dog, I acted. Nibbles is looking out for Nibbles."
When asked about his loyalty to the child, the cat replied "What child? I saw a fucking dog, I acted. Nibbles is looking out for Nibbles."
This conversation is so passively sexual. You two should meet.
No, the Halo Sniper rifle is almost directly based on NTW-20, not perfectly as the Magazine is vertical rather than horizontal, but it's explicit. Look at the protrusion under the barrel and bipod positioning and the square-bent scope guard.
can we at least expect episode 4 before the holidays?
The problem isn't that you have to like something 100% or not at all. It's that the people complaining want the show to change and be different, to be what they want it to be. Those of us saying you should just not watch, say that because we like the show as it is and don't want other people trying to change whatever…
With all of the actual rape that takes place in third world countries, you choose to write a massive article about fictional characters being raped in a popular TV show and how it offends you.
people are overly entitled to everything. They feel upset about the "rape" scene because they can't follow that she wasn't protesting the act so much as the where it was occurring. People are stupid and need everything spelled out plainly for them. They don't think for themselves and feel angered when a show is…
The issue that makes it vague is that they were a couple already. She'd likely have been fine with consummating as long as it wasn't in a freaking funeral of all places. Nobody is saying it's all roses and lovemaking here. Let's get that misconception out of the way.
Didn't she undo his pants laces?
Great opinion piece, I had a couple of ideas but they're not exactly connected to the Game of Thrones debate. (haven't read the books so can't comment on the changes)
Yeah, HBO needs to be taken to task about the lack of equal rights in Westeros. Why isn't Obama doing anything about this? He should set up a meeting with Tommen and Daenerys and resolve this serious issue.
Because he doesn't agree with the sentiment of the article... that means he HATES ALL WOMEN AND LOVES TO RAPE.
If you were having sex with a girl while she said "Please, no. Stop.", would you feel abhorrent and disgusting beyond measure? Or would you say it's okay because she didn't try to deter you?
I have no significant issue with the show's portrayal, by the way. It's their show and the storytelling is effective. Great show.
Are people still on the rape (it wasn't, she consented the whole way) thing ? Seriously the world seems to be getting more touchy and emotional by the day.
HAHAHAHA!!! Classic! You make a statement, put it in bold to emphasize your point and when called out and corrected you go to "I was just shitting with you" mode. And four posts later you never even cared...to post!
This was the best season of the Simpsons. 4 was good, too. Actually, I recently got both on Piratebay.
From the same guys who brought you the Star Wars bloopers trailer comes this, doing the exact same thing for The…