
An excellent point, haha. I think it's because the ridges of the knuckles have more of a devastating impact, but then again, you could make an argument that the heel of the palm his more blunt and sturdy. The best answer is probably that it just feels natural to strike with your fist. The open palm seems like it

Excellent form, this Gorilla knows better than to tuck his thumb underneath his fingers when making a fist. I would like to have a beer with this beast.

You do have a solid point, I'm not sure about the Governor's relevance to it all but the Terminus guy definitely made sense. He spared the guy's life and then lied about it. That guy tipped off Gareth who made Bob's last moments in the world tremendously worse and to the Termites slaughter. It was certainly the bite

I don't understand what you mean. I felt as though each character accurately represented something weighing on his soul. A lost life that he felt directly responsible for. Lizzy and her sister were what set him on the path of pacifism. He could have prevented Bob's death had he the capacity to kill. If he hadn't

I think it was a combination of blood loss, the bite, and the demons that weighed heavily upon his soul. I don't think that makes him insane. But you could also be making a joke, in which case, you could say it flew right over my head.

But isn't that the entire point that this show is trying to drive home? Sometimes shit just happens. People die everyday and most of it is anticlimactic. The fact that Tyreese died so insignificantly is the tragedy. He was so wrapped up in something so frivolous that it cost him his life and I think that's brilliant.

And people, too. Circumcision is a form of mutilation!

I don't appreciate how she's objectifying Edelman.

Welp, this is dumb. I love how adamant Mr. Diaz is on her alleged normality. As if being a former lawyer, domestic abuse survivor, and a mother of four kids prevents you from being "unhinged". Not saying she is or isn't, but it's silly to make that assumption

I watched season 1 of this show. I wanted to like it, but it wasn't possible. I am very leery about watching season 2...But I think 12 monkeys is immensely entertaining, despite it being nonsensical at times. It's a fun sci-fi show.

Wow, that makes complete sense. I'm mad that I didn't put that together on my own.

I'm still butthurt about the exclusion of Lady Stoneheart and Coldhands. Maybe this season will deliver on that?

What's funny is that if a man made a negative blanket statement about women (regardless if it were true or not) I'm sure Jezebel would be absolutely up in arms about it. Nah, but it's okay if you do it, Anna. ;)

Cool. We need a girl Dr. Who just like we need an all female Ghostbusters cast. ;|

Wow, it's actually unbelievable how upset people are over this. I'll be the first to admit that this special was an absolute waste of time, but it's a goddamn snake. If he donated its meat to starving children, would that sufficed? Pick something better to be outraged over.

Am I the only one who thought it looked like Eugene was dead? I know TWD has no qualms with killing people on-screen and making it abundantly clear, but he looked really messed up in that last scene. Didn't look like he was blinking, was unresponsive, and had that 'dead guy' stare.

Too bad Amy Schumer is a fuckin' terrible comedian. I really disliked Anthony Jeselnik, but Amy's show makes his look leagues better. Maybe she's just missing the overly gratuitous laugh reel.

What a goddamn awful idea; there's nothing convincing about this.

Maher has never been shy about calling things as he sees it. Despite how outlandish some of it is, I found myself in agreement with his sentiments. That being said, I disagree with his take on Islam and found that Mr. Affleck was actually in the right despite his pretentious, "i don't wanna be here" attitude. Then

James Spader is probably the best casting decision for this movie. His voice is so goddamn haunting. I'm glad that it wasn't distorted too much. I think it sounds perfect. Goddamn this move looks great!