
What counts as offensive nowadays is a real fuckin' drag.

This is going to suck, and yes, because it's an all female cast of Ghostbusters. Why not introduce female characters into Ghostbusters 3? Oh no, that wouldn't be fair, and we all know that Hollywood is nothing if not fair. It's always tit for tat. Then the flurry of complaints about the over sexualized depiction of

I understand and agree with you to an extent, but I don't believe this article is an example of that. The community is calling Patricia out on her flimsy argument and subtle implications. Just as she claims that Temkin "went about it the wrong way" (I'm paraphrasing...) I believe that is a case of the pot calling the

I hate this guy so much and I hate that so many people identify with him. Floyd Mayweather is an excellent defensive boxer, but he's boring as fuck to watch. He's arrogant and just has the worst personality. Everyone excuses his bastardization of boxing because it's his "persona", an alter ego he apparently created in

Another controversial topic, another colossal fuck-up of an article. Cheers, Patricia!

What the hell are you talking about? Kotaku has some of the worst case of "white knights" and devout, borderline zealot feminists. Patricia Hernandez's gender articles are always terribly misguided and thankfully the community is at least somewhat intelligent to call her out on it.

I'm not, so I appreciate the heads up.

He actually produces many, many other TV shows and movies, so I don't believe that's the reason why he keeps pumping out Transformer movies. The real reason is because movies like these are guaranteed to be box office successes, that he would be stupid not to make more of them. They get absolutely destroyed by

Wow, the feminist undertones in this article really make it hard to take the review seriously. I get it's your interpretation and all, but goddamn do I regret giving this a chance. I honestly can't tell if you agree or disagree with Michael Bay's heavy-handed assessment of all fathers being terrible.

My worry with the Game of Thrones television show is how quickly the actors and actresses are aging. A year between seasons has the younger characters growing more and more. Bran is getting really tall, haha. If the show does wait for the books to be finished before proceeding with the main storyline—we might end up

A very astute assessment, couldn't have stated it better myself. This is honestly what makes me so skeptical about the series. I want to like it; it looks as if they put some serious effort into the production, but the logic behind it feels flawed.

I would argue that the idea of being a villain just for the sake of it has been used just as often if not more than the hero acting as the catalyst. You're also right in pointing out that it wasn't the central idea behind the original Batman storyline, but it's arguably the most influential. The Killing Joke is still

Since you're paying monthly fees for Sony and Microsoft's online services, it is only right that you are given a game for free with no strings attached. Doesn't serve your point. There is no monthly subscription to playing PC games multiplayer (other than MMOs).

I don't understand this. It's okay for Hannibal to graphically murder and eat people, but if anything relating to women is off limits? That seems misanthropic to me. Good god, we're talking about a TV show about a cannibal and you're praising the showrunner's common decency not to include rape? Such fucking confused

I seriously doubt the shows in question include rape simply to garnering viewers. Seems like you're too blinded by your moral superiority to read between the lines.

I understand that rape is a fragile subject to many, but I don't believe it should be considered "off limits", nor do I believe it should be included solely for shock value. It seems like the problem is that people cannot fathom the idea that rape has significance to the over all plot and not just for the sake of

At the risk of sounding like a nitpicky PoS...did you really use "sex worker" the politically correct substitution "whore" or "prostitute"?


I dunno. I think emo Sansa has the makings to be the Darth Vader of Westoros. Little Finger feels more like Palpatine. He is grooming her into his Sith Lord champion.

Matt Ryan is a spot-on casting choice. The accent, the overall asthetics, and even the tone of his character(from what I've seen in the trailers) are perfect. While the Keanu Reeves movie was decent in its own right—I think it's better to see the DC comic character as a separate entity. Strangely enough, DC's