Can't forget this classic.
Can't forget this classic.
Forgive me for judging a book by its cover, but this movie gives me the same vibe I got when I saw the trailer for that terrible teen romance novel made into a movie, Mortal Instruments. I want to believe this can be an awesome space opera, but Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis? What a strange cast...
Again, that's your individual experience at one individual Walmart. It doesn't represent Walmart as a whole.
Your individual experience with Walmart doesn't define it as a whole though. These criticisms, some of which have become class action lawsuits, do define Walmart. Not every individual Walmart is evil; quite the contrary, most are maintained by ordinary people like you and me. I'm not talking about them. I am talking…
That's why a lot of indie developers have turned to Kickstarter or services like it where people have proven time and time again that they're willing to pay for an intriguing concept. It seems to me that you aren't arguing to understand; you just want to be right. Out of curiosity, what is your solution to piracy?
Damn, you've made rebuttal for nearly every reply in this thread—is Walmart paying you to make arguments on their behalf? Because that's the only way I can fathom why you feel so obligated to come to their rescue. In any case, maybe I did misinterpret the way the picture was presented, but it considering that was a…
Most movies make all of their money in the box office as opposed to DVD/Blu-Ray sales, and a lot of people still go out to the cinema to catch a movie. So, while I'm sure all of the movie producers, writers, actors, etc. are very appreciative that you're arguing on their behalf, I don't suspect that they've fallen on…
It's hilarious how quickly our society is willing to overlook all of the atrocious practices Walmart has been known to commit even with how much media coverage they received, but rather than list them all—I just shake my head in disbelief. This is all it takes, a picture of some barrels and a sign asking for…