
I like the premise, but it’s intrinsically flawed because they have to explain how it is humanity evolved on Earth but then ended up in space with Earth as a 13th Colony of some other planet. The original series ignored the issue, which sucked, and the reboot fudged it.

Comfort is Russian.

If anyone should know about making up stories to profit off them, it’s Mitch Albom.

“Our Willis, who art in Die Hard...”

Came here hoping “something odd” means “aliens”. Disappointed.

Wheeeeeeeeee !!!!!

Had there been a hint of anything less, my expression would have been my own best approximation of the soul burning death glare shown above.

“Simon Russell Beale returns as Dr. Ferdinand Lyle.”

What a coincidence, I was just thinking that this wasp’s venom and tequila have a lot in common and then up pops an advert at the end of the video for tequila.


Not with that attitude it won’t be mister!

I laughed all the way through that video. It is just you.

HAAAAHAHAHAHA yesss yesss, your tears, they give me strength....

“I want a divorce.”

This is not discrimination against women.

I’m actually seeing this as good news. With falling rates like this, I am now certain, my car will never be stolen ... again.

It’s Arrow. Smiling would cause a singularity that would swallow the universe in a fiery cataclysm.

“John, I’m you from the future.”

If I were an advanced civilization I’d be sending messages via gravitational waves. Anyone sophisticated enough to detect them would be worth talking with.