I feel like installing an authorized recording device on a warship should be a pretty ruinous offense regardless of where on the ship it is. Someone needs to walk that plank.
I feel like installing an authorized recording device on a warship should be a pretty ruinous offense regardless of where on the ship it is. Someone needs to walk that plank.
(Former U.S. Navy Officer)
This isn’t about sex. They could watch porn on their computers or phones for that. This is about harassing women who have dared to enter what is considered a male space. This is intimidation and intended to humiliate and bully women.
I wish I was at all surprised by this. Instead, I’m just very, very tired of trash men.
I’m also thinking that sharing pictures of two co-workers with a third co-worker, brings it into your professional life, not just your personal life.
Since men are not precisely abundant in dance world, the ones that are there think the women there belong to them.
Yah, I was wondering what constitutes revenge porn? It also looks like the company didn’t want these dancers to return, and it was the union who protected them.
“...it’s important to us that your employer is prevented from taking extreme and potentially career-ending action based on non-criminal activity in your private life.”
In fact, a quick Wiki look reveals that most people are talking about unnatural chemical compounds. You’re the best at pedantry. And by best, I mean the very worst.
No one's gonna point out her name is Patty?
With endless respect to my evergreen first lady, this is wild rude and shits on lots of things/people:
I am a divorced dad, my life was hell interspersed with joyful father/son moments & nothing about it equates to the orange disgusting donut mouth scourge....
I assume that acknowledging women’s needs and caring for children are both filed under “gay” (in the most offensive sense) in his mind. At least if he’s anything like trump.
Can it be sexist when it’s accurate? Also what’s sexist about it? He is a divorced dad twice over. It’s not a poorly worded metaphor he is literally what she described.
OMG, yes. I once declared that I was living with my dad because my mom was too mean. I can crawling back within 24 hours, begging her to take me in and spilled all the tea on new wife (alcoholic, loved Elvis) and new kid (an effing mess). Get me out of divorced dad’s house!!!!!!!!!!!!
How weird. I’ve thought for a while that Donald Trump as President totally reminds me of my divorced dad. It’s weird because my dad is nothing like Trump - he’s supremely intelligent, classy, loves art, he has his blind spots and can sometimes be a royal pain in the butt, but he’s overall a good father and has…
As a woman who spent her teen years stuffing her underwear with toilet paper because her divorced dad wouldn’t buy feminine hygiene products, YES.
This so accurately puts into words the low-grade anxiety trip that the last few years have been. Also, Dad has dementia and is horribly manipulative, but you know - the court/government has required this temporary arrangement, soooo... wait it out, I guess?
very accurate to my childhood and also a soundbite my dad is sure to complain about
She’s not wrong. Not having to do homework, eating a bunch of candy for dinner and getting to party sounds like fun for a teenager, but just like having a President who doesn’t read daily briefings, eats like shit and is a racist, lying, lazy, shit bag, it catches up to you.