
When I lost my pug, Mr Fusspot, I sent bags of his hair (that I had been saving for just this opportunity) to a woman I found on Etsy who spun it into yarn. Then my friend Betty crocheted a memorial to Fusspot out of the yarn. I also had two of his incisors (he lost a lot of teeth at ten) set as earrings. People

Victorian hair art is wild.  For real how DID they get that braid so tight?  Is there a tiny loom involved?

My mother in law has a picture of flowers in a vase embroidered out of the hair of her dead ancestors. It’s disgusting.

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 

That’s how the wealth trickles down!

‘Anna’s style was a driving force in her business, and life...

It’s fascinating because she literally embodies the modern American Dream.

I was kind of joking but then again, in this upside down world, would we really be surprised? Dude is probably daydreaming about who they are going to hire to play him.

Wasn’t she running the staff ragged at those luxury hotels? It’s not like those places are run by one rich person raking in piles of cash.

“Anna’s style was a driving force in her business...” what business? What gaslighting bullshit is this?

“Anna’s style was a driving force in her business”

LOL! I have a feeling that taking a case contingent upon being named an exec producer of the future movie adaptation may be unethical but what do I know!

She didn’t just scam rich people...why is this lie being spread?

I was wondering who is paying for that lawyer, too. Maybe he’s doing it for the publicity? He’s probably going to be able to wrangle a producer credit on the upcoming Netflix docudrama or something like that.

I can’t decide if this is an actual legal defense strategy or some primo trolling on her part. Either way, she’s screwed at this point. She’ll see more time in the slammer for stealing $275,000 than anyone at Wells Fargo will for stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from their customers via fraud.

Scamming rich people isn’t crime, it’s public service. 

The presidency, probably.

What’s next, glorifying serial killers?!?!

You really need to pay someone money to tell you “wear a black non-descript dress”? And a cocktail dress and choker isn’t even a good look for a courtroom. Her frames are much too heavy for her face and colouring and she couldn’t do something with her hair? I would think it would take a woman lawyer three seconds to