
hi, tip about cattle dogs hair, if its a heeler especially a straight short hair blue heeler which sounds like what you got, give em some coarse wood planks like driftwood or untreated 1x4 section and encourage them to scratch after an intensive run and get workout. they are meant to be oily for all the mud and crap

wait are you saying that pic is of the stuff of woman who died and that she was sleeping in the empty sears before spirit halloween moved in? like she was homeless and died within a few weeks? and she was the manager? another story of wage gap tragedy maybe someone who was fleeing domestic violence or a woman living

Love this exceptional literature by HER, the God of Jez, but I am in love with cuttlefish and yet think I might be a mantis shrimp, just the anxiety and never ending cleaning part. Also I can see color pretty good so this story just kinda ended for me. I want to know more about the intangibleness and the cuttlefish

Also his bed has burds on it Fuckin BIRDS! What is that gaudy nonsense.

God, everything seems so stabby. Like is that the vibe he wants to go for, “come to my lair ladies, see reflections everywhere of me, take a nice purse home but also watch out you might die”. And the tub was what I want to see and I did not see it. What is with the ridiculous kitchen lights. Why? If you have money

Wow, OMG. So how does real estate buying working in that scenario? Like was it a realtor just saying “make a bid, let’s see what you get after you clean it out?

The hole truth and nothing butt the truth Matters.

Silkys are fierce muthas, so much that they will steal babies, even the boys will do it, if they are for a second unattended as eggs and protect peck around them like an animated electric fence to keep the other birds and feeders (hoomuns) away. They are only good at looking down and some bits of sideways cuz of those

I thought calling him fredo was the short guys in the lord of the rings, like hobbits. So i thought he was mad for being called short and thats like “the worst for men”. I had no idea people be this silly. 

Looove that dad. 


Guns are not the answer you “tis" moron.

Umm, yeah it took like 3 minutes to wipe clean surfaces and 2 seconds to put on cough mask. The flight is more than three hours. Do you wash your hands when you go to the bathroom? 

I imagine there were quite of few thoughts of stabbing that old bitch with knitting needles that preceded this official statement.

This has been a pungent discussion. 

Hazel take it back. It is the demise of many womens lives that we study earn degreez volunteer and spend all our time to apply to work in tech and then can’t get a job because of this exact scenario “faking in” women. Lynn jurich can suck it and imma tell her that on LinkedIn in front of 3000 women in the alternative

Thank you for this gift.

Thats lying and you can suck it. 

Umm its terrible for pregnant women and can be spread to baby via birth and cause blindness. 

Gossip site cnn”