
A very practical way to say that is “men alone, should not be incharge of anything.” I once asked a religious person how they see their churches racist, misogynist, homophobic history and square up being a member. Their answer, “the church is run on earth by men and god tells us men are fallible.” So heres a thought,

Wow, if asked to dress for public viewing and steered to the dragon rack holding these poisons id have stuck my legs through miniblind vents of the nudepink one wearing it upside down inside out and maybe tore off the green sash to tie up the fabric round my torso.remember that fruit striped gum. That. 

Bette Midler has a beautiful dressing room that features a greyed leopard print ottomon stool thing with bleached rainbow fringe dripping to the ground.

Courts i went through awarded me sole cutody. Thats everything, physical and legal. The visitation was not a custody portion. He just got visitation and it was marked i had choices on everything up to haircuts and religion. Its all very stupid but CS is calculated as divided between parents. So technically waz paying

Danielle brooks for Jane Bond. Then Eldris.

So bobby can draw magnificently, and now song interpretation. Are you holding out on us? Bobby for EGOT.

I am not in charge of anyone and I will do something about it call people out even the boss. 

Amish mennonite??? Apparently they used to not vote at all but went crazy for trump

Doesn't Julia Escobede Sheps have this shirt. I’m gonna make one.

Pot makes pizza better and helps with periods, seizures and breakups. Pot does not make men better husbands.

Honestly i blame brangelina and their lawyers. Those people are paid for this they should have insisted on mediation, mediation, mediation. They all should as adults and rich ones have mediated it into the ground. Give brad 50% custody if he is clean and make him pay for angies extra parenting while he was getting

Um have you heard of the law.

They are brads children and his responsibilty as well. She also like gave birth to three of them and he could at least outearned her during that time. CS is the childs property not the parents. Whoever children arent fed clothed and housed by owes them money to pay for that. 

Nope, arrid dryness that makes your labia feel like flapping tattered tarp edges is way worse. 

You are a not quite old Gen Exer specifically Middle Aged, as are I.

No he is not. He is MIDDLE aged. I am also 39. He has weird skin slough in his knee pits gaurentee it. Hes old! 

Everyday I calamine. And I’m growing an entire state of aloe. Ive been hivin from all them fuckers for like two years.

You mean Steve Carell? no. Micheal scott is better than that.

Bobby, not Bobbi apologies. Also Bobby Ross. 

Bobby must illustrate all things now.