
Wow your hair looks amazing air dried. Also beauty with minimal makeup, im jealous but inspired. I do wonder if you are taking generic acutane i did it three years ago and my lips and arm kp still havent forgiven me. Also so fun to imagine all the beelining. Itz like training for a mall fastwalking par cours speedwalki

I had bananamilk yesterday and it is delicious. Banana milk forever.go banananas

They have lots of dried nonfat milk in them. 

Bail and probation costs are emergency costs that people assume we all would pay before anything else, but not if you are mom needing amoxicillin for your chikds ear infection or maybe just a break this month to buy them soccer shingaurds or lunch money. The war on women via poverty is devastatinging. Probation or

Yeah also they said filing was to blame just because they were going through a divorce and it was not really abuse but an excuse.. um i can imagine one of the reasons for divorcing is abuse. 

These kids are going to suffer ptsd and wondering if they were were using dirty needles when they forcibly injected them.

Big ice cube hurts boat”. Hahaha. I’ve never seen titanic and for 2/3rds a second I thought it was an ice cube movie and wondered which one he ruined a boat in. Lol I’m still laughing. It’s so hot, let me live even if a little ditzy. Here’s mine

I explain this.

Ah yes now your clownin mental illness. Very lawyer. Hypebeast o the law. 

Oh youre a lawyer, so helpful we need total assholes here defending male judges, male petpetrators, male baliffs and male attorneys as the all malr decision makers in domestic violence issues. Its good you have no care or opinion either way on the new law or article you are just here to call women domestic violence

Maybe the kids dont need braces. I dont know their teeth im just saying my parents were stressed out and overworked and forced me in braces when i was 12 and i still have a tiny bit of distrust towards them and a lot of pissyness at the world for it. i also hate he doctor with a fierceness. I didt really need them and

Best film. I thought my pareting should inately feature apples and it did. Apples have never let me down. I also used my baby as an accomplish when defedning my work from bullying guys and that worked too. It atleast gave me confidence. This movie taught me alot and I love it.

If no cleaning of AC units is done it can indeed make you sick as well as diminishing the efficiency of the system slightly. If however you were to develop a weird thing in the office that meant it HAD to be cleaned at the filters and possibly ducts if not ductless then perhaps facilities manager, maintenance, building

Wash your balls

You know that is another messed up thing about this. I can’t speak out about the stunning things they did that sort of gaslit and made the situation so untenable in a court. He was gaslighting everyone I think. I believe it now. I think the person was trying to be sympathetic to him. And I know those people trying to

It’s starting to feel like celebrities are auditioning for a new micheal bay version of the Fantasia scene with the centaurs where it’s all “Pair Up!” I’d watch live action Fantasia, is that what I’m doing? 

Idk what this is but I want to. 

It was his shockingly short skirt read the damn sentence. 

Yeah, I don’tknow what to day or think about the whole experience other than the visual flag of someone blatantly disregarding the formality of a court. I think my ex was probably lying to a sympathetic person who had experienced abuse as a young man himself ore maybe this person was another one of my exes many awful

I am not being transphonic reread my experience I bare here. He was a 6 ft5 man in a skirt so short that showed his crotch and a girls, as in elementary aged youth girl carebear tshirt that showed up to defend the man that violently assaulted me in a car in front of my 6 yr old son. The 8 male police officers