
Read, experience and go through. He was not a lawyer but an advocate, my mistake in calling him that and if you think about what was happening and can come up with a better explanation tell me. Do you really comprehend I'm calling someone a bad thing? 

He/She was a friend of his that showed up as a legal victim advocate in a domestic violence hearing. He/ She wore basically clothes that most women would be called sluts for wearing, in a courtroom defending a man who accused me of domestic violence when if the judge had bothered to hear testimony he could have easily

This should be standard in the world. I was assaulted by my ex in front of our 5 yr old son on a visitation where I was picking my son up. My ex was on drugs but the court implored me to do the 3 hour commute to take my son to visit him during our custody hearings. He set up three of his friends at his house he was

Tis comment was about Megans hideous pussy. What iz Goin on.

I’m thinking bear spray or chuck something at paint job. I’ve avoided riding my bike downtown for 3 months now because of that. The ironic thing is its a bike lane connected to a bike path in a tourist town so there are gobs of people biking now. I just can’t get over trepidation.

I’ve been waking up laughing for the last 4 night’s because I’m having hilarious dreams.

I’ve had three white men attack and harass me in public in the last four months. Of the three times it was not taken seriously by the police because he was just “maybe drunk or amped” according to the male police officer, male security guard at the property and male store manager. Each time the man attacked my

Or it could just be that men are bad and can all be replaced with better women. 

Wet hair. End shower with a minute of ice cold water then wrap hair and go.  It can last for hours.  

This is another case of penis fights. Men finding ways to whine about them not being the biggest. In Utah lots of white men are so sad because they want to be in charge of the airforce base or the church or the polygamists or the desert or the deer or the sun or the water or the mined or the farmers or the moab

To be fair pus and fluid build up really fast. I've had big face cysts that double in size in 10 minutes. 

I know this might sound like a careless trajectory but I want to help. I watched embarrassing bodies on Netflix about this one guys who had such a hairy ass crack that it was over hairy and they finally Electrolicized his whole perinuim and anus in and out and removed some of his skin there that was growing lumps of

Ilike how concerned Megan is about scaring the cat, she mentions it thrice. It’s like she’s feeling, who gonna help me with my PPSTD now after I’ve seen this and the cat was her support system. Also I don't watch the men's in sports cuz boring but like this is if my favorite aunts gossiped about my parents in a tennis

Wait whaaat......

Please practice, we need our seers of eyeball rolling to maintain the highest eschelon’s of force. I’m rememberin someone said to being told not to roll your eyes at me, “I’m rolling them back to the time before you said that stupid thing so my brain can live”

To be fair the sun wants to kill Nicole. It’s left a few burn marks on me. I literally have spots that look like someone put ashes out on my arm and I’m not porcelain paper white. And I wear sunscreen. 

They wrong. 60 is old. 55 gets you into discounts and AARP. If I’m 55 calling myself middle age please remind me all my big teeth have been remade twice over. I’m not trying to argue with you Catazz I’m a huge fan but yes 37 is only the very very very end of being young. 37 you don’t learn to surf at the water park

You uninformed. Look at the STEM industry. It’s changing people should be embarrassed to leave women out entirely. Even npr does that. Open up CNN and you’ll see 11 white men to every woman and even then it does not pass beschdel test. People want it changed. We aren’t having it. 

Wow Tony, you seem real in the know about this, so stunned you gave your opinion.