
My ex husband abducted our 4 yr old child and I can say, no child or mother will ever get over this. Or the fathers who are also being separated. All jails in our justice system lie to inmates and detainees like they did to her, “ sign it or we will do it anyway and also punish you”

His ? dollar bills?

OK next out Zinke. Shero of the Tea ism get on it please. Also bring your friend statue of liberty queen. 

Don know if it's one of his dad's minions or general troll. I've never abused my son but it takes a special delusional woman to parent shame a mom on the Internet about something she doesn't have any info on. 

I'll just refer you to this. The mom shaming finds me anywhere.

A skinhead nazi tried to recruit lure me in the other day in Spokane WA. He came up to me asked about my bike as i was snacking at healthfood store and I asked him what his jacket patches were. It was a lightening bolt and a tiger with fireballs or dragon. Idk what he was doing but i said I’m busy on phone. He managed

Ok I know Jez is going through some hard stuff right now, everyone leaving so I went ahead to write this for us all.

The vagina is a special place. Like Beyonce it’s got pensive habits and expensive fabrics.

No. He's chunkin trees, yelling at dogs and listening to eminem. 

OMG I get what you gals are doing. You are going bye bye one a day so we don’t apocalypse on ourselves. If megan leaves I’m gonna shit on my neighbors porch and just go from there. The world is bad. Please forward where you will be doing things so I can incorporate it into my jeez balls fanfic musical starring birds

Who are these experts that are saying kitties don’t need to breathe? I bet they aren’t battling a yeast infection because they accidently wore modal underwear thinking they were cotton while hiking 5 miles and camping last week in Seattle where it is hot and even though they drank two quarts for every mile it was a

I love love love when people file together and ask for joint custody. It’s called sanity and Co parenting. I would have loved to share my son with his dad after divorce but his dad instead kidnapped him and I got sole custody. Then many years later when moving for work the court gave sole custody to his dad saying my

Can the guy that played the friend in mean girls redo this as bear in pool 2? I’d give him good direction to flash his eyelashes and be shy with his emotions with the cam but not the hairy chest. Also he should chew up the yucca bush just like bear and sleep in the tree maybe not shirtless but with a blankie or hammock

So I’m just wondering about lingo. Did this mean we now say something is on Fyre and it’s like more meta? What is the new slang memeificate we got out of it? Please tell me all of it including the worst. I love using new words that aren’t proper but are deep. Like can I say I’m “gonna billymcfar it” for a half assert

She’s OK. Looks like airbrush surgery. 

So this is really forkin accurate and I think we all could have just told them this. After working out three hours a day to get myself in really good shape I posted three profiles at three diff sites all stating that I wanted to have kids. I weeded out all the guys who said they weren’t sure or didn’t want kids. That

LIFE in Prison :)  aka what happens to your mind when you are raped and have to live with it. 

I’m not Mormon and you know nothing about my mothering you just aren’t popular on her because because literally noone cares about or for your backwards antifeminist views and all the “actually” you spout. Please troll elsewhere here are some Mormon people you can call. Spencer and Abby Palmer of Utah. Go find your

Wow I have my very own troll and Mormon trying to convert feminists at that. Suck on this dame jo. I’ve never abused my son and I also have never coddled him. I know what parenting is about and why men become trash and it is because as boys they see grown men yell berate and antagonize every authority figure around

Like a realllly long asss pair of khaki dockers cutoffswith the page part stapled right down the buttcrack. Like the hidden treasure panties at Walmart. Shorties from the seventies in their seventies rocking short shorts.