OOooh I’m thinking aarp mag could do a spirited seventy somethings in shorts edition with centerfold.
OOooh I’m thinking aarp mag could do a spirited seventy somethings in shorts edition with centerfold.
You are particularly a cuttlefish. No? Represent.
OMG my son fussed and shamed me so many times for crying at movies. I do not go to the theatre for children’s movies anymore. I think it had to do with this exact thing, anxious love for your child and stress. I feel for him, an 8 yr old watching his mom cry at Frankenweenie is not a good look for public face of your…
I will pay! Will pay will pay. Start that forkinfanfic now! Use the prison version bible not the Kingsy jamesey.
Ooooh, I hate that. Hulu was doing that with LMOE and others.
I’m wheezing.
I upicked in Keizer.
Craft beer is $15 a 4 pack. And it’s worth at least twice as much as colors. It’s got hops in it and some other yumm botanicals.
Or Mormons control all women, corndog here’s looking at you, Johnson agribusiness home of the dog corn and cow assholes meat.
It’s just super odd that you are singling out farmers when they are such a small percentage of population. Someone else was voting for trump. Also most farmers are hella savy.
Please tell who, I have words for your former coworker and HR.
Eww grosss.
Like sacs?
I love the cut its kinda princess Di but the color, ugh it’s make me wanna die dye.
Sorry meant that statement to point out why I’d laws are discriminatory to the clueless commenter big3
Lots of requirements of social security cards bar them from being laminated, so now you see how ID laws are just schemes to deny rights through select process.
Black people were historically denied voting even when presenting ID because their ID was disputed by all white voter poll attendees. Then it was forgotten or proven their ID was valid after it was too late to vote also for an ID to be valid in some states address must match on ID with voting precinct. I’ve moved…
Ummm, kids are forkin stupid. They will literally stick metal in sockets, and at the same time kids are brilliant clever little not quite fully socialized humanapaths. They need interference from parent but it’s a guessing game and hard to balance helicopter or free range. Keep your eyes on them.
Cottage Cheese scooped inside canned pear halves, then maybe a dash of paprika. Dont F with it. Good pear halves, the expensive brand with syrup.
My ex who tried to kill me and raped a 14 yr old posted on instagram that he “just got married and is so amazed he found the perfect woman”. He’s been married 3 times engaged 5 and treated every one terribly by the end. His last fiance (of 7 yrs) was literally kicked out of their apartment so he could move in the new…