
Once again I did not wast my life watching reading intaking some ego boners ish. I did not watch the twin peaks two. Boycott ladies BOY-COTT. I am literally only spending my energy on women and girls. Until men can get it together and stop hogging all the space and pushing women around I’m ignoring them. It’s working

Explano not needed sweetheart we are all there. 

Virtue signaling whore. Haha


My mom believes Melania is dumb but she did this because she’s trying to make sure he doesn’t get re-elected. Or she wonders if Donald made her wear it. My mom is a mastermind who makes Kris Jenner look naive. 

It didn’t, they knew this would happen, Melania Don Trump and 30% of US voted for a border fortress. They believe in it it isn’t that they don’t care they don’t care about those people. They care about east euro white people and English Nazi people they even hate Scottish farmers now. They are racists and don’t care

Same, i tried to change last boyfriend by cleaning his bathroom for him once after a few years of dating and having refused many times before. He refused to do it or hire someone. I am sure his current gf has broken up with him numerous times because of this. She seemed to have moved to another city then he made up

This is the guy that told women how to wear jewelry right? Because he knows he doesn’t like hoop earrings so women are wrong in wearing them thinking he would like them. Dude, stop with the hair dye its lame and really gross. I don’t like it all men are stupid bimbos for dying their hair all women agree and you did

Dox the medical professionals. It’s time they learned they will not be allowed any other adults body let alone child’s. People in TX, please find out who these physians are and let us all know.

Hey Bobby could you share your *recipe for minty potatokalings saladbabydaddy who is with sour cream?

Can he lift his 5 kids. No. They wouldn’t even let him try. Dudes weak.

Is Diaz a poet? Like is it that hard to say we don’t need this misogynist poet representing us? Like they could publish her story of harassment and get way more acclaim. Cause isnt poetry supposed to make us feel and be understood. I think I know what most of us feel and it ain’t Junot.

Your rage is now boundless and my rage. This rage is so far out of bounds it took a transfer bus.

Im gonna call it.  Shade a Bitch.

Nope Nope I want to MAKE the hats. Yes that my new job.

Yeah but that’s what these hats do they shield you from sun and rain but don’t really sit on your head and smoosh your hair as much as they perch atop your hair with using pins and stuff. These hats make you look and feel cool. My new fantasy job is also wearing hats.

WOOOOOOOOOOOW. That was refreshing and the jauntiest bunch of possible psychopaths I have ever had to question

But it is not actually. I just got out of public sector-9 years. If you are a contractor good look finding out what others are paid. If you are temporary good luck comparing your work to others even if you know you do the same thing. If you are an employee they still pay men more because they still scale and men get

I know I’m saying I feel pain for animals dying of rabies and acting crazy against their instincts and I’m sad for woman being attacked and fearing rabies. It’s sad. It’s good she was able to defend herself and the cat was dying so it’s not like her choking bob was wrong or bad. It’s just very sad to see any animal

Also Micheal Scott can run a race to raise money for ya.