
Rich have you had Gonzo cuisine tofu? It’s made at aN ultra hippy dippy cafe in Corvallis Oregon and is amazing. It’s like tumeric cumin and dill thick coat seasoning with batter and is based on some 70s earthy earthers recipe. It’s not like sesame honey tofu from Chinese cuisine. It’s savory and if you like tofu you

Cornydawg, you are in the sunken place. I don’t care anymore about your lies, but jezebel is a place for women to tell their stories as women with detail and truth and uncover societies unknown misogyny for each other as a heads up so we can avoid traps and not believe the white male narrative published so often.

Yes I have known thousands of mormon women, because I grew up in utah and ironically spent half my adult life in non utah mormon communities though not on purpose. Yes they work, women work. Women in utah work. Women work to support their children and families. Women work and are not just stay at home parents. Women

I as a girl volunteered many hours of labor on boyscout projects that i never got any sashs or medals for because mormon church said it was right thing to do. The community will also recognize the scout but i saw myself worker much harder than the boyscout on several restoration, cleanup and sandbag events. I think

I told corporate the Spokane NAACP and I would like an in person meeting with the store manager and Lynn Lowe herself is emailing me to call her and basically pretending this is a minor thing to be chatted about over her phone. It’s been two weeks now and I’m not backing down. Anybody want to pressure Lynn Lowe to

BS the church regularly steps in and pays for the boys missions and women are discouraged from going and must be older than boys. Boys parents are also told to tithe for their sons missions and in no way encouraged to do so for their daughters. Also because boys must go for temple rights and girls don’t parents

Also thighs don’t cook as low a temp as breasts so duh especially don’t cook in dishwasher if you don’t know how cook.

Dishwasher’s have different heat setting and thermostats just as dryers do and if you have a bad thermostat as I did all your clothes shrshrink or your chx is raw. I agree though dishwashers as fake sous vide just wastes water. Also is that energy star chicken?

If they’d stop giving 10% of their (21% less) income to support teen boys not working and travelling the world for two years at 18 then the young women could probably accomplish alot, like pay parity and parental leave!#??!!

The camping trip was only fun because it was all girls. The adults just made us pray for the men constantly, it was disgusting.

I was raised Mormon, went through that whole women’s program bs, worked at girlscouts for a summer as woke teen, left church as teen, raised my child alone and can say this proudly. I was on a camping date with a proud outdoorsman who said “I will build a fire this is how, I am an eagle scout”, he spent 20 minutes/

Enraged is a natural emotion for women and it’s powerful and it doesn’t make us monsters or perpetrators or even mean we act on it. But it’s there and we have ptsd and we cant let men tell us women arent allowed to be angry and lose control because after what we have been through yes being enraged is perfectly normal.

Now playing

I also lived in Salem at the time. Infuriating. This was also the year I took my son, the reason I was in court to begin with to see the movie ParaNorman for his birthday. I sobbed.

I quoted Sojourner Truth in court to make a point of what was clear bias by the judge against women and judge david connell of benton county court, Corvallis, oregon called it “rambling nonsense”. He doesn’t know who Sojourner Truth is. This is white male privelege impacting women in our courts. They don’t forking

Spokane NAACP suggested we ask for an appointment. After bringing in home depot to the emails Lowes corporate finally responded but they are asking me to call them. I am weary of this their speech makes it seem like a product satisfaction issue. It is in no way about anything other than the horrible hate be spewed by

I got bit by a baby one time. I was shaky around babies for a bit. Best to check Bey and see how she is around Lathan. Just check up on it.

OMG that seriously was painful to watch her claw paw a nerd in the face. I’m no Elon stan but grimes looks weird as hell and she just. . . Did that. Ick now I think she’s the problem not thrice married older dude with like 5 kids.

I’mI’m a money hungry capitalist, but I’m kinda nice too. A little. Well actually I’ve been called a not nice lady and I was all “Lady huh I like that.”

You should have told him you have concerns about his financial acumen, what with his bringing expensive liqueur to a party he’s obviously now kicked out of.

I did email Robert niblock and talk with then email employee relations director Kevin olsen. They did not say they would do anything and seem to imply it was my “situation” asking if it was directed at me specifically instead of a poc. I asked Kevin olsen what percentage of executives are women and or people of color