
Unfortunately I’m not willing to get anywhere near this person again. And it’s not likely I’d just happen to video such blatant hate speech and action by an employ while filming I’d guess again. Are you saying that I should film me asking them what they are doing about it?

I’ve been thinking of contacting newspaper. I guess I’ll do that Monday or through linkedin? Would it help if I contact several so there is me a chance they will take it seriously?

I don’t have twitter would someone be willing to post an account if the incident for me? I didn’t get it recorded.

How do I give them evidence other than the emails and phone call history. I didn’t get any employee names but I knew when I was there and that they have cameras. I was stunned and shocked and just kind of reacted. I’d recognize everyone even the other customer who also reacted but I’m just afraid lowes wants it blow

I witnessed a horrid racism by an employee in Lowes 8 days ago. I reacted loudly in the store and other customers started also reacting. I left after telling two other employees then posted about it on linked that night. I deleted the post then emailed lowes corporate the next day. Then I called the manager and

I think it’s because she killed a white man and it’s white me running our “justice” system. Had he been a ma of color... also I’m white woman and definitly think she was defending herself and this is a bunch of white men thinking they are god. I’d be suprised if many white woman don’t agree. White women are also in

Thats an insane lie *historians and peoples general presumptions are telling you. Of course people bathed, they swam all the forkin time and i know a brisk cold creek does not get the scum off but they also sweat all the time because most work was physical and they walked everywhere. That kind of athleticism means

Thats an insane lie *historians and peoples general presumptions are telling you. Of course people bathed, they swam all the forkin time and i know a brisk cold creek does not get the scum off but they also sweat all the time because most work was physical and they walked everywhere. That kind of athleticism means

Thank you thank you thank you. I’d like to do a video where I show and tell all my bras and air every tiny little petty greviance directly to manufacturer. I mean I will also praise them but this nonsense has got to stop where them good boulder holders at?! I think anyone watching my braseum and the obvious fitssues

Wolves don’t kiss much. They are kinda aloof aw aw awwww ALOoooOoof.

They do not kill every kind of mammal, get out of here with your slander. Wolves and coyotes avoid humans. I’ve heard of one coyote attack in the PNW in the last 10 years and no, nada, 0 wolf attacks. I’ve personally talked with dozens of people who tell me they regularly kill coyotes, I’ve seen 3 pelt traders at

Will the hand stitch picture person please make this already. Will pay.

This the worst I’m terrified for everyone.

I stillI still think they are trying to say storming opportunistic extorted money and there was no affair because they know dog whistle the deplorables don’t care.

Whe never marmalade mugabe is really in trouble they bring someone in to dispel the nutcracking to make trumpilstilskien look like the not lied liar. Then dispose. It’s like being an empty tampon applicator. Stop the bleeding stop the bleeding.

Thats what I heard right away.

This whole thing is suspect did the truck driver want to make it rain because how do they not fasten or tie the bags.

Um I know right from wrong and I rightly would have had 200 20s stuffed in my bra pronto. And wrongly maybe a dozen in my buttcrack.

I don’t have elomi that sounds expensive af, is it? What do you mean by double cup, is that where you have the side wall half mesh?

All that money going to make the rich richer.