
Yes me too but also with Stacy and London(her hair streak) and the get your shit together lady from Boprah her name is like an I or a Q. And the guy can’t remember his name from WNTW. Then I want what’s her name the money lady to tie it all up after, like this is howuch you lost from not working for a week and us

Right, now I must learn gaelic, danish and clearly learn ute, hidatsa, seminole? cajun, hawaain, whatever is indigineuous to Ohio, Oregon (salamish?) And every language that is spoken by the people’s land that I’ve tread.

The institution of football is stupid enough, but to pretend that NFL footballers are anything more than agro meatheads with shoulderpads is even more couldn’t be more obvious than if they were in bridled in cages with locked gates between them and the public.

Ewwwww. Texture. Why Megan? I was about to eat some lovely slices of whole grain and seed buttered toast and noticed mold on the top by poppy seeds and sunflowers. That is what has been done to the word texture in my mind now. I got rid of some dishes two years ago because for 10 years they reminded me of my ex. Now I

My first boyfriend cheated on then left me for a tall blond that worked next door and I had to work with him for another year. She rubbed it in and was always high. Then she shot herself in the foot by double holding at a gun range.

Couer D’Alene, Idaho atleast 400 advocates for gun restriction and safety measures marched and rallied. I met a world Cup women’s sailing team member and a teacher of 33 years who has PTSD from lock down last year and is now paranoid when a stranger walks into her classroom (she still wonders why) she left from fear

I don’t think you are being petty at all to keep your standards instead of abadoning them to suit someone elses ill formed choices, uneducated thoughts and wreckless hot air. My best friend voted for trump but we both have 14 year old boys and if she had no belief in gun control and then one of our children was shot,

You guys killed octopus. Whhhhyyyyy😣

Well it’s a good bit for shits and giggles but another popular name is semeni. And I guess if your name was anus in someone else language you’d be ok. I actually know three semeni’s.

OmG did you tell someone their baby was ugly? That’s actually a tattoo you should get, “no ugly babies, butt-mouth”

I really like the photos and almost collage effect this skin do post has. You all are getting better and better and convincing me to buy stuff. I also want to show off my sking product bff plant.

But how are they getting it? Also I must apologize to whomever has been writing the articles about gwyths goop. I called it blind hate but now and over the last year have realized how bad goop is at peddling dangerous ideas.sorry.

I think women should just keep their accomplishments on the dl and then, suprise MoFos I replaced you! to all the men. Steal there work plans and do it yourself better. The guy who hired me had no idea what I had spent years doing even though I put it on my application and resume. I wonder what the hell that is about.

I don’t hate cate Blanchet but damn is she starving herself for acting so can’t think clearly.

Idon’t know what to say. Fight posibble energy infrastructure damage done by terrorism by conservation? That way more people are aware of the energy intensity of their lifestyle and conserving practices help to hone how you respond to fluctuations and also could help utilities build a more decentralized distributed

I think you got trolled by manbaby.

Yes they are! But no, that’s not the drone you are looking for. That’s a joke maybe it’s funny. Umm I don’t know the name of the fly but it’s yellow and black striped and hangs out with bees. It really likes plants it just is too small.

Chivalry is not beating other guys up after they physically hurt women and brag about it. Chivalry is not opening my car door or “letting” me walk in first after you’ve made a big deal of bowing and then stare at my butt. Chivalry is being honest about what you are as a man, sharing your pay to all women colleagues

Very brothers grimm. I’m going to call you grimmpycat.

Also I dont think the beeflies are big enough to trip the flower and pollinate the plant. And again they didn’t say no fish just no ocean fish.