
There are dozens of people I have no qualms with killing (poisoning, map that leads off cliff) but if my son walks too close to fertilizer or a freshly sprayed field I’m all like meltdown meltdown reactor 9 evacuate. My chemical mom bond literally launches an emotional atomic warning and the future melts before my

I love Katie.

Yeah but what about when you need that vacuum bag only sold by Amazon out of a warehouse in Pennsylvania.

There are flies that look and act like bees but they don’t make honey. And they are tiny and they don’t hive and jive or have queens. And they are flies, but they are supercute. But they dont bumble get big and buzzz. The cutest bees are the bumblers doing a solo. This real hard. salmon are my cousins. I had to go

But we are at the point of cannablism so someone probably done ate your kitten. All kittens. Sorry :(

Please keep this fued/bad sportswomanship going. I’m making a T with my hands and ready to say flagrant foul penalty for Ellie or whatever.

Wait, what is dramatic sex and why don’t people like it.

Oh my sad crafted jersey holds a flame to woke teenagers with professional haircuts that resist humidy at 80 degrees who make plays on info wars incessant stupidity but say things like “as if, atleast it’s not death by poverty from 6 bucks to a starbuck tindcof (tindercoffee) catfish.”

Holy shirt balls the shade was most excellant. Or maybe you were giving a read. Even using symbolism cuz shade and tan in same thought association vessel.

Your are right, I’m clearly wrong Michigan does accept all the infants and since I’m not linking all the states individusl law and the change from national 10 years ago when I was last registered as a daycare provider and then explaining the rules that in practicality change the ability to procure care for newborns to

I gave birth at home unexpectantly. I was in no shape to fetch. If I was told to leave my baby in hands of anyone and walk off for a umbilical cord snapping tool I would have said “divorce”. Babies don’t bleed to death because they are attached at a free flowing umbilical .cord I gave birth squatting in bathroom over

OK so from the portion you linked Michigan used the term of “from birth to 3", and has no rule directly stating no infant under 6 weeks but I know you didn’t read that you just want to argue with me and I guess dispute the reality of what the rest of the rules say specifically 22 and 44/45 in regards to ratio, staff

I don’t think that’s the intention of the law. It’s to keep facilities that are certified safe and providers registered and educated on caring for very young babies. Can you imagine a daycare just taking one barely days old baby for every provider present and just leaving them in cribs all day as 4 and 5 year olds

So you gonna show all states that allow under 6 week old into a certified daycare? Not a registered provider or a relative. So you say Michigan, how does that affect the bind people are in with no paid leave and no option. Also, really newborn? You mean a 2 hour old baby goes to state liscense and certified daycare

Im guessing the special training is akin to nursery training. Registered day care providers already are required to do training for infant cpr and first aid as well as some care instruction to be registered and then have a director who is experienced fir a facility to be certified. So for someone under 42 days post

Think of all the women who could get modelling work for this. Or maybe it’s just men modelling. I’m for more sex dolls. guys are gonna rape no matter what let’s let them buy a lifetime supply of silicone that could have been made into spatula or fondation spreaders. I’d like to think all the stalker dudes could just

Yes you are right alot of non certified daycares, non registered providers and family pick up the slack in terms of care. It just puts us parents in another bind though to use non verifiably safe care. I believe 6 weeks paid leave at 75% pay from all jobs should be mandatory. I mean who the hell wants to leave their 6

In the US it’s against the law to put a child less than 6 weeks old into a certified daycare.

SOJohnathan would make a really good matron of honor/best groomsmen. Can he also marry them and get the other queer eye guys all done up and just do the most. That white black swoop shirt thing that the clothes guy Tan does would be great reimagined as a tux and can we get some queer ladies at the wedding please to dj

It’s the one by a healthfood store.