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    So you’ll be doing full episode recap/analysis if the final season of Gotham? 

    Maybe it’s Marvel overload/overkill, but I just don’t feel very interested in “The More Miserable Mutants” show.

    Creepy Owl Lady’s decapitation last season (in the middle of the GCPD lobby!) was truly OTT & pure Gotham.

    You forgot “fired at point-blank range!” 

    I tried to read IT 30 years ago, and that scene was bizarre and out of left field then too.

    So this season of GoT is the TV version of aSoIaF books 4 & 5. Moving a lot of characters to the correct spot on the map. Although at least some consequential stuff happenedon GoT - unlike the books.

    “Dead, doll eyes ...” was that describing Jaws, Michael Meyers, or Miller?

    The Suicide by Scissors in Cronnenberg’s version of The Dead Zone - for sheer horrific awfulness is by far the worst.

    Sigh. No Emmy love for Bates Motel either.

    Mr. Gunji’s spouse reminds me of my husband & his acceptance of my Hello Kitty addiction.

    My niece actually sat down & read the FCBD Super Hero Girls comic - looking forward to getting good her watching this.

    There is a dress code for papal audiences. So just following protocol.

    Part of me hopes this is true. Maybe Milwaukee can then elect a Sheriff who’s actually interested in doing their job, instead of parading around promoting himself.

    In the movies, it’s a bit like Blum described it - some people prepare to hide, some to act. The Purge Anarchy featured a young (soon to be divorcing) couple who were desperate to get home and hide, since “people like us fon’t survive” Purge Night.

    Also - any copies of the Wrapped In Plastic fanzine you can find. A better in-depth guide to the word of TP doesn’the exist. Someday I’ll find copies of the early issues my collection needs to be complete.

    You could feel sorry for anyone who makes a real life Faustian bargain.

    The 70's horror kid version of that statement - Thanks to ‘Salems Lot & Ralphie Glickman at the window, I will not sleep until all windows are closed and curtains drawn.”

    Same here. After that last episode of “Info wars on Crack by way if Glenn Beck,” I don’t need anymore of that.

    Or the scene of the crowd on the street and THAT FACE is mixed in with everyone else? Genius.

    It’s just more fun to watch Gotham embrace the crazy while the CW DC shows become (to me)more plodding & dull.