Ann Linderman

She’s no hero.  I like hosts who don’t quit.

The US hasn’t had a large scale military parade like this since the end of WWII, so I have an idea.

I have no problem with Emmett Till being there. But Pat Sajak??? We don’t need to recognize that clown.

I will ONLY give the time a day to #nevertrump Republicans if they are also calling out and denouncing the rest of the party. As much as I hate the dickbag, Max Boot is the only one I know of who has spent time reflecting on the past and has admitted that Republicans have been fueling the flames of racism for the past

Best comment ever

I think the problem is calling Emmitt Till a “celebrity,” which carries a connotation of glamour and lightheartedness. If it had been a list of “important historical figures” I think the reaction would have been different.

Other famous Austrian painters include...

Ya Gotta Bereave!

“They come here to eat our delicious roast beets and sausage stews that we eat for our single meal a day. They take our jobs shucking iron in the Steel Crop Fields of which we make our careers. When we come home to listen to the daily radio telecast, they are speaking a different language.”

“Today I wrote a piece attempting to explain the view of ordinary people (i.e. people who agree with me)." -Posted from inside a luxury bunker penthouse, eating raw oysters on furniture made of poor people standing very still. 

This guy is pond scum. And not just any pond scum, but pond scum from right between an unregulated chemical factory and a leaky nuclear plant. This guy is a less cuddly Swamp thing with the morals of a mink farm. This guy is a super villain without all the warm fuzzies and snappy dialog. Roger Stone is that little bit

It's not stupidity, it’s arrogance.

Want t-shirt now.

My autistic son is smarter than a lot of these people.

My mom and dad went to the Anti-Vaccine conference and all I got was this lousy case of measles.  

I appreciate the SI jokes as much as anyone (especially the Peter King jokes), but as an old (I’m in my late 50s) who grew up on SI back when it was actually good, this is very sad.

Make Atlantis Great Again

So the Prince of Wails met the Prince of Whales?

All hail His Grace, Shamu Of the World of Sea, First of His Name, King of the Cetaceans and the First Men, Lord of the Fishes, and Protector of the Tank