Holy shit. This stuff gets more ridiculous by the minute. Trump has now become a parody of Alec Baldwin parodying him on Saturday Night Live.
Holy shit. This stuff gets more ridiculous by the minute. Trump has now become a parody of Alec Baldwin parodying him on Saturday Night Live.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said...“I pray for the president.”
Remember, everybody: the Mueller report totally exonerates him but we can’t see the whole thing because our minds will be blown by how hard he’s exonerated.
Political beliefs aside, how anyone can listen to Trump whine non stop like a total fucking baby, while simultaneously sounding like a complete idiot of the highest caliber, and walk away thinking “Man, he’s so strong and inspiring” is something that is utterly beyond comprehension.
The Ivanka autobiography will be “Hop on Pop”
How many crimes will this moron inadvertently admit to doing in this garbage ass book?
Looking forward to the anniversary of this asshole’s death becoming an unofficial national holiday/general strike.
93% of America won’t watch the grand finale of this show. Let’s not act as if it is MASH or the Super Bowl.
there are still people like Julia Roberts out there who think it’s “too scary” and are happy to completely write it off after hearing that it has zombies.
Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.
Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.
I think he’ll have some trouble firing his ego.
Even though she doesn’t look the part, she probably still is demanding to speak to the manager all the time and makes minimum wage employees’ lives a living hell.
I can understand why he’d be sensitive about the best horse not winning the race. It hits close to a delicate subject for him.
Oh, so now Trump doesn’t like it when the competitor that comes in second ends up winning on a technicality?
“I fully expect Maximum Security to be given a Presidential Medal of Freedom within the next week or so.”
You say that like it's a bad thing...
:holds envelope to forehead:
The best horse did NOT win the Kentucky Derby - not even close!
If there’s one thing this President simply won’t tolerate, it’s video evidence.