been forced to eat cake celebrating a human they loathed
been forced to eat cake celebrating a human they loathed
Gayle King is unbearable most days. This past morning she let loose with her thoughts about those ‘tattle-tales” who’ve named names in the college admissions bribery scandal. She thought it was wrong of those who’ve been caught to name other parents criminals involved. She appeared very protective of some yet unknown…
Hey, Tony. I know you’re out there reading this, because I know you’re the type that loves hearing your voice on the air after you hang up. You love anything that has to do with you, no matter how small. And since your rant somehow made it to Deadspin, I’m sure you or someone you know has found this and has directed…
Nobody can call up the New York Yankees and ask them for Mickey Mantle’s phone number!
The team clarified that next to Theismann’s name is not actually the retired number 7, just a picture of his tibia.
Remember this is the guy who unsuccessfully unretired in the attempt to extort more money but ended up taking a fraction of what he thought he was going to get.
Seriously. It’s a weekend, he’s a senior in college, I assume he’s about to graduate, and he’s celebrating the fact he just drafted. What’s wrong with him going to a house party? What aspect of that reflects poorly on his character? Why is there a presumption he did something wrong instead of the assailant/murderer?…
It’s a shame that the Giants didn’t do enough research to know that this kid would attend a women’s soccer team party in Kansas. Everyone knows those things are full of highly suspect characters.
Reads like a Nunes memo to me.
There has to be some advanced stats person on Twitter compiling that data as we speak. I will donate $5 to a Kickstarter to publish the report on James Harden’s eventual tombstone.
I’d love to see a report of every free throw that James Harden has taken that he doesn’t deserve.
The victim’s father, Navarro Simmons, told local NBC affiliate KSNT that he learned about his son’s death when Ballentine called him from the hospital. He said he was initially excited to get the call, thinking he’d get a chance to congratulate Ballentine, only to learn that his son had been shot dead.
Seriously, I know sports radio is a legit cesspool, but whoever gave this dude a microphone should get chucked off a bridge.
““When you finish your draft and stress how you went out of your way to take the right kind of guys, the guys you want on the team, the guys who are gonna be great-character guys”
Dogs within a fifty-mile radius perk up their ears, barking madly.
The kid is an honor roll student! Just because he’s black doesn’t mean he’s up to no good you racist fuck Francesa.
“You know, I’ve been a big fan of the theater for a long time. And for him to come along and do this to Ford’s Theater, is embarrassing. The worst part is that this theater is now a laughing stock and that’s sad.”
Mike Francesa (April 15, 1865)
Not for fucking long he wasn’t. Cheney would go on his show specifically because he knew Russert wouldn’t press him on anything. I still remember with disgust his fawning Oval Office interview in which he let Dubbya claim the mantle of a “War President” despite the fact that he had initiated the war. Russert was a…
- said no one ever
She knows her audience
That wedding must have been so magical. Especially that moment when Donald took Melania by the hand, looked her in the eye, and said, “I’ll take this one.”