Ann Linderman

In hindsight he chose a bidness manager who at least was smart enough to know that the only way to make any profit on BBB was to embezzle it. 

Ball signed a 3 year $22.5 million contract with the Lakers. That’s where ALL of the Ball Family money comes from. Guaranteed almost none of it comes from this BBB nonsense.

Lonzo’s ability to choose a business manager/partner is oddly akin to his free throw shooting ability. 

For a company valued at $3 billion <giggle>, $1.5 million is just pocket change.

They sold 7 pairs of those clunky shoes.

You’re absolutely right; McCain was absolutely no saint. But I’d much rather live in an America with a President McCain and a deceased Donald Trump than the opposite which we have now.

Technically, a long seventeen months.

Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check.

Chelsea Clinton’s reaction to a deeply offensive accusation was incredibly polite. She’s impressive as hell. The students not so much.

We’ll probably find out in a NY Times report in a few months that he somehow stole money from the tithe and due to a complicated money-laundering fund, turned it into a million dollar hotel deal in Abu Dubai backed by Russian investors. 

Donald Trump stares at the collection plate and turns to Melania.

“Your interpretation of our tweet is completely wrong! You killed people with it! Our interpretation of your tweet is completely right! Apologize to us! On video and on the internets!

Say what you will about John and Meghan McCain (and there is plenty to be said—much of it that needs to be said for years to come), but at a bare minimum, Senator McCain was not the active, joyful embarrassment to this nation that Trump is and insists on being.

Every time this dipshit who pled “bone spurs” multiple

So we’re supposed to be mad at Chelsea Clinton why exactly? These students just went up to a stranger and blamed her for 49 deaths based on nothing, at best they are unbelievably rude.

Bernie Sanders supporters acting like assholes? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters being completely irrational about the Clintons? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check. How much do you want to bet at the planning meeting

Yup, the old 'divide and conquer'. I think I'll start drinking now. 

And they thought they could raise money for themselves off the publicity, Dweik’s got a Venmo up. Let me see them pull this kind of confrontation with Ivanka, who actually has a role in her fathers White House which Chelsea has never had, and then I’ll believe it isnt just a publicity stunt attacking someone who won’t

These protesters were wearing Bernie shirts. To them the Clintons are guilty of everything under the sun.

I have no love for the Clinton’s, but these students are 100% wrong on every level. This is a very lame event and controversy.

“No one will ever love you the way they loved my father.”