The Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame is an abomination, an abdication, a contradiction in terms.
The Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame is an abomination, an abdication, a contradiction in terms.
the R&R hall of fame is a bigger wank than the grammys and the oscars combined.
I’ve survived four brutal rounds of chemotherapy that caused vomiting so bad it put me in the hospital. I also survived two pregnancies with hyperemesis gravidarium—relentless nausea and vomiting for almost mine months each.
“They were holding hands, they were kissing as if nobody else existed,
No need to malign good, decent whores by comparing them to Melania.
Would it he coming out of your eyes, or wherever? :P
Shouldn’t this be filed under “Barf Bag?”
Imagine that, Donald treating everyone else like they don’t exist.
I mean, for what he pays, I’m sure their contract requires her to put up with some of his pawing.
Mike Pence would never partake in a sinful California cheeseburger such as In-n-Out. He eats good wholesome McDonalds like his midwestern trash supporters and he’s grateful for it.
the networks aren’t supposed to be simply a house organ for the leagues they cover. don’t make excuses for the destruction of an independent press by corporate oligarchs, you moron.
Idk, that seems far too reasonable.
How about instead of an outright ban on one side of the aisle, post something on the door/on Facebook to the effect of “please avoid wearing anything too divisive, offensive, or political as we have patrons of all ideologies/backgrounds and don’t want to offend anyone. If you must wear something political, we reserve…
This is the perfect reply.
People shouldn't be wearing hats indoors, anyway.
Opinions are like assholes: everybody’s got one. But good opinions are like chins and necks: Whitlock hasn’t had one in probably thirty years.
Another possible follow up for Jason Whitlock: “Only child? Broken home with no siblings to learn how to work things out? Yeah, of course Jesus of Nazareth was a loser who didn’t peak until he was 33 - and only had one good year.”
I expect that he will do better during the Chinese New Year that starts in two days. It is after all, the Year of the Pig..