I’m not the hugest basketball fan, but I know enough to know that I’m right when I say, “Fuck Draymond Green.”.
I’m not the hugest basketball fan, but I know enough to know that I’m right when I say, “Fuck Draymond Green.”.
I’m not seeing an entitled athlete crying because he was deprived of a perk. I see a guy that set goals for himself, worked his ass off, and feels hurt that he was overlooked when he thought his play warranted an all star selection.
I very much think I’ve seen this play out from both sides & would on the one hand agree with what you say & on the other suggest that for that reason sometimes sticking one’s nose further into another’s business than you feel comfortable doing can actually be the right call on occasion...I know I’ve been glad I did…
And sometimes what makes it worse, is, at least for me personally, I don’t want to be a burden on people.
Like I know that I should reach out, but I know they have their own lives and what not, and I just leave them alone.
Delving further into my psyche, I also am too either detail oriented or paranoid where I notice…
David Letterman didn’t back down often, he wasn’t investigative, but he called people out.
Jon Stewart disembowelling Jim Cramer comes to mind.
I take back everything negative I ever thought or said about her. Burn it and scatter the ashes.
Thanks for the recap. Next time I’ll wait for your post instead of subjecting myself to listening to his stupid mouth.
I’ll just leave this here...
Nancy totally stole your lunch money, bubbeleh. Sad!
The Trump Admin: The Cheeseburger Eating Surrender Monkeys
What would you wear if you knew you were going to be arrested by the FBI at your Fort Lauderdale home?
Stone: “There is no circumstance in which I intend to be pressured in order to testify against the president.”
This is coming from a man who is banned from all US banks because he won’t pay back the many, many loans he took from them.
Don’t forget the adoptees who DON’T want to contact their birth parents!