Bobby I know you’re busy but you are officially invited, (unless you’re there already) to join the Morning Joe forum.
Bobby I know you’re busy but you are officially invited, (unless you’re there already) to join the Morning Joe forum.
I’d guess all the newspapers are there for the panelists to read while Joe is droning on, camera-hogging. “Good point, Joe. But lemme finish today’s Miss Manners.”
Far bet it for me to use right-winged memes but let’s dissect shall we?
I love Princess Anne. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of her, even smiling, in which she didn’t look like she was itching to smack someone.
They’ll follow that with adoption and child care services, so they can eliminate abortion. Riiiiight
The president’s remarks come just two weeks after he whipped the crowd at the National Rifle Association’s annual conference into a rabid frenzy by promising, among other things, to focus on mental health, and not access to guns, in response to school shootings.
Trump attempting to show compassion is like reading VCR instructions written in English, translated into Japanese, then back into English
This! I never got why everyone was so upset about Charles philandering when Diana stepped out just as often as far as we can tell. They basically had an open marriage where they hated each other.
And didn’t he want to marry Camilla in the first place but was pressured into marrying Diana by both families? Neither of them handled the situation particularly well, but it seems like they were both equal parts victim and to blame in how badly it turned out.
Is it really fair to call someone a sniveling adulterer when their spouse has over a half dozen affairs of their own, including married men? People need to get off this Diana victimization/Charles demonization kick already.
I’m still not watching despite loving the original run so goddamned much. I just can’t justify putting money in her pocket while she’s still out here pushing nasty, hate-filled, bullshit conspiracy theory right-wing rhetoric. Even her real-life position as a trump supporter wouldn’t necessarily keep me away but the…
Know for a fact John Barron wrote a glowing Nobel recommendation for Trump. And pretty sure the committee also got thumbs up letters from Carolyn on The Apprentice, Dr. Harold Bornstein, and many others.
BTW, Glenn Greenwald can shut the whole fuck up and sit his narrow as all the way down, the fucking traitorous-ass hypocrite. I hope that Russian money finds him well, because I’m don’t.
As a queer, if I cut everyone who had homophobic views 10 years ago out of my life, I’d be pretty lonely. I think what she’s done in the time between, and her admission that those views are fucked up is a lot more important.
After this, anyone who wants more “atonement” from Joy can fuck right off. ESPECIALLY Glenn Greenwald. Has he apologized to Reality Winner yet? Fucker doesn’t want to admit Russia fucked with us and so he sends the person presenting evidence to prison.
Yow. Disgusting, disgusting people.
The irony of these arguments saying that these women are doing this for fame and fortune is that Kathleen Bliss is the one getting rich and well-known off her famous client. She’s making a lot of money off Cosby and, with an increase in her rate afterwards from the notoriety, she’ll make a whole lot more from the…
Heidi Thomas was just a woman with a bizarre story finally getting her shot at fame. “She wanted to be a star,” Bliss said, “and she’s living the dream now.”