Ann Linderman

She looks happy because a decent man is treating her with respect instead of disdain. It doesn’t take much to make you smile when you can get away from a steaming pile of whatever for a few hours. Dollars to donuts he’ll demand to know what exactly Obama said to her.

I’ll take George and Charlotte over Stormi, True, Reign and all those other stupid names.


Armstrong remains an unrepentant, life-ruining asshole. He deserved much worse.

So you have a problem with him for one pet peeve instead of congratulating him for being one of the standouts trying to hold the line against deliberate ignorance. Maybe you should be the one to shut it.

Hmmm.. Given the choice between some hack from the av club or Neil Degrasse Tyson who should I listen too?

This article is more obnoxious than its subject. Its author has far less credibility than its subject.

LOL. Lumpy is mad.

“and the moral compass of a comic-book henchwoman”

Keyword yet and certainly not for lack of trying.
The recent hiring of Bolton may be Trump’s way of looking at that and saying “Hold my Diet Pepsi.”

He doesn’t look good to those of us who still remember what he and his asshole cronies did to this country. Trump’s administration may be a chaotic shitshow but they haven’t risen to the level of war criminals quite yet.

Well, she certainly seems like she would have a winning, gracious sense of humor.

Smeagol Huckabee-Sauron

I think I’d much rather see Michelle Wolf ripping into Sarah Huckabee for an hour anyways.

I’m going to go with Neo-Nazi Soccer Mom.

This woman reminds me of an assistant manager at an Arby’s in Little Rock, albeit with none of the charm or hospitality.

oh honey, weren’t prudishness but more like the check out clientele can’t even sound out those simple front cover blurbs ... some of them words just too biggen.

One customer commented, “I come to get me a weddin’ rang, shotgun shells and a 90 pound bag of spicy sausage not so my kids can look at disgustin’ words like ‘orgasm’ and ‘longing’. Its like Bill Clinton done come back from the dead or sumthin’. Its Trumps America now, decency and morals are his motto.”

Meanwhile pro-Republican Trump sycophants such as The National Enquirer will continue to be stationed at every cash ensuring the flock stays programmed even when they shop.