Ann Linderman

This would break every PPV record combined and hold the record forever, despite Trump gassing out on the third punch and getting KO’d within the first minute.

Personally I think Shout! Factory should have held out for more than one week’s worth of his film production.

“It is a mashed potato sandwich with mayo on white bread,” Fred said

The best part of the entire night will be Ryan Seacrest getting alternately stonewalled and harangued on national television for being dumb enough to still show up to host the red carpet while yelling that we should #BelieveWomen except, y’know, the one accusing him.

The old Richard Dawson Feud is still great, even today.

Bill O’Reilly is looking for the truth like O.J. is searching for the real killers.

I really don’t understand her vocal affectations here. It’s like she was trying to do Cher singing while swallowing Barbara Streisand.

I watched it live. My entire family cringed with horror. The problem is that Fergie can never just sing a song. She always has to inject it with strange inflections, a growly sexy baby voice, or weird vocal gymnastics. Did you see how she walked up to the mic?!!!


After the Son & Heir has been successfully pooped out, that contract probably requires nothing more than a quarterly handjob, and there’s probably a specific subclause saying that she has to wear nitrile gloves for it.

So basically Trump knows no one will sleep with him for free.

We all know he’s just going to start screaming on Twitter that this is a witch hunt because he’s a conservative in Hollywood a la Tim Allen. Eye roll.

The irony is Baio had a reality TV show a few years back. If anyone was desperate for publicity and work it was him.

I feel terrible for his victims (and there have GOT to be more than just these two, there always are) but watching him finally become relevant to the current conversation in the exact opposite way he’d like is filling me with laughs.

Molester shitass.

“when has a Kardashian EVER positively impacted an NBA player?”

“rather than the hard-partying man-child Griffin had been prior to their cohabitation”


Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I hope this beautiful love story brightens your mood.

blakiel, blakatello, blakalengelo, blakeonardo, blakeymcblakeface