Ann Linderman

People wanted Bean (a spaniel) or Biggie (the pug) to win. But people in the theater may not have seen what people at home saw: when the judge first approached each dog, all the other dogs were great, but Flynn looked up at the lady and gave her a cheeky look. I DIED. After that, it was Flynn’s competition to lose. He

Also I was reading another article that says that people booed him when he was announced as the winner. Who boos a puppy?!!

Dakota Fanning divorces Bristol Farms.

Up until now, Cattrall has actually been quite diplomatic in my estimation. “We were never friends. We worked together. I didn’t want to play this role again. SJP could have been kinder.” How does that come off as unhinged?

The whole thing is kind of absurd anyway. How can anyone actually be “friends” with a horse?

Mcgowan’s statements were reckless and cruel this statement from her family is warranted. They aren’t just blaming her either, they are just saying her cyber bullying campaign was cruel and played a part in their daughters decision to commit suicide, which is true.

McGowan isnt going to come out of this at the end looking great.

Rose has used her extremely horrifying personal trauma to garner recognition for the #metoo movement. She has also used her platform to turn a profit, which i have no problem with whatsoever. I think if you’ve gone what she has gone through then you have every right to do so.

The White House, bowing to pressure, and in the interests of full transparency have decided to release the House Intelligence Committee’s Democratic Memo in full; with only a few “minor” redactions to protect intelligence sources and methods.

this is so annoying - not everyone cares about sports, and acting like it’s an institution that everyone should know about is so gross. an old guy in the elevator this morning (who insists on conversations every time i see him in the damn elevator because he is entitled to my time- i dont know why, we dont even work

It wasn’t until recently that I found out how much of a scumbag Trebek is (was?). A consultant mentioned how 30+ years ago she was on one of his older shows and made it to the final questions. He stood next to her and grabbed her hand, much like hosts would to offer support, but instead he took her hand and placed

I know a couple of people who have tried to get on Jeopardy! They all did well on the pre-screening and testing. They were surprised when they weren’t picked. I asked, did you shower before the interview? Shave? Put on a nice shirt and tuck it in? Their response was vacant stares. Back in the day, my mother was on

Unbelievable.... the intelligence of this country keeps getting worse. In this day and age I can not believe that you are still chastised for not caring about football, 1 of the dumbest sports ever. How much money do these scholars make for throwing a ball and they have the audacity to disrespect the flag of the

Gee, I wonder why.

He probably spends more time in bed than Mamie Eisenhower did.

Make no mistake, that’s exactly what he does too.

Agreed- when I worked at a travel agency we only ever got travel deals for ourselves in the off season.

I have a problem with her asking for a free room on a weekend which is usually a planned and promoted busy weekend for many hotels. If she’d wanted to visit in the weeks before Valentine’s then review/promote the hotel, that would have been sensible, and come across as a mutual exchange and not someone they’d never

I think we should put the hotel owners, this blogger and the vegan nutters (freelee and her boyfriend) in a room and sell the pay-per-view stream for zillions.